Chapter 6

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Niall’s POV:

Shall I apologise to Harry and Winter? I really wanted to kiss Winter but Harry did look really sad afterwards. Winter did a great job at cheering him up but I still feel really bad.

I opened the door silently and was about to apologise when I heard them talking:

“Hey love, are you awake?” Must be Harry.

“Morning. Do I get a quick kiss?” That’s Winter.

“Yes you do!” As I heard that I peeked round the doorway.

“Have you completely recovered from the little kiss with Niall last night?”

“I don’t think I ever will! You might love him, not me.” He pouted.

“I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone more than you.” She giggled warmly.

“Especially not Niall?” Harry asked hoping for her to reassure him.

“Especially not Niall.” She tucked a stray curl behind his ear smiling.

It felt like someone had stabbed me. I knew from the start I probably didn’t have a chance but hearing her say those words felt like she’s just punched me in the face. I was tempted to move but I’d frozen, if I could move so could the tears. I suddenly felt the urge to sneeze. Shit.


“Who’s there?” A worried voice asked. Winter.

“Only Niall sneezes like that…” Before I knew it Harry had caught hold of my wrist.

“What did you hear?” He asked sternly

“Er, I err… all of it…”

Worry flickered in his eyes. His grip on my arm disappeared then his body seemed to tense up, even his hair seemed to take part. All colour in his face left in an instant, guilt was starting to take over the worry in his eyes.

“Harry…??” It was Winter’s turn to walk in and see me. She looked shocked and then she turned to Harry. “Is he okay?”

I shrugged. She shook him slightly; he loosened up a bit but remained white.

“I… er… You hate us now…” Harry stuttered. Winter softly entwined her fingers with Harry’s. Harry was looking me in the eye, waiting for a reply. Winter simply stared at the ground, probably scared of looking me in the eyes.

“I… No. I don’t. I guess I can say I’ve felt happier.” I tried to say in a nice way but clearly failed as I heard Winter sniff, then saw a tear drop off the end of her nose.

I sighed, “Sorry” then I walked away.

Winter’s POV:

Once Niall had left Harry let the tears fall. We held each other regretting our words, I ran my fingers through his silky curls. I took a step back and lifted his chin up with one hand, wiping away the tears with the other.

“Let’s go get breakfast.” I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his hand round my waist and we walked to the kitchen.

“HEY Haz! HEY Wint! I made you two breakfast!!” Louis came up and hugged us both. The rest of them smiled and waved whilst Niall looked down at his food.

“You better not be planning on calling me that regularly.” I joked, as confused as Harry was about Niall keeping quiet about our conversation. Louis simply grinned.

“I’ll distract the others, you talk to Niall. Just don’t get… Never mind” He whispered to me.

“Okay. Don’t worry! I won’t get too close.” I gave him a quick wink, he smiled at how I could read him then proceeded to get Louis, Zayn and Liam out the room.

I sat down on the seat opposite Niall.

“I’m sorry… But why didn’t you tell them about what me and Harry said?” I asked blinking back tears. These boys we making me cry more than ever, but I still love them.

“It would just make it worse.”

“I guess we’re even… You kiss me in front of Harry and you hear me say that I love Harry more than anyone, especially you.” I looked down thinking that was the wrong thing to say. Niall laughed.

“I agree, lets keep is 1-1.” He held out his hand I shook it and we walked into the living room to the others. I immediately jumped into Harry’s arms then whispered the good news.

I rang my family to say sorry for not being around then for the rest of the day me and the lads decided to have a lazy day and watch movies.

Harry’s POV:

“Night. Love you.” I murmured in her ear.

“Night. Love you more,” She replied, her voice like an angel smiling. I don’t care how cheesy or soppy I sound. I am in love!

“Not possible sweetheart!” I hugged her then shut my eyes only to taken by sleep.

Winter’s POV:

Where’s Harry? I get up and walk into the kitchen and see a note;

Gone down the store to get some milk, be back soon



Awww, how sweet of him. I go into Louis’ room to get revenge from when he woke me up while I was sleeping.

“Hey Louis wake up!” I moaned in an annoying voice, and shook him.

“What?!” he was still half asleep “Oh hey Winter. What are you doing?”

“Getting you up. I’m bored.”

“Go talk to Harry. He’s your boyfriend not me.”

“I would, but he’s down at the store.” I say shaking him more.

“Okay, okay, you got revenge! I’m up.” He got up poked me in the ribs. “Now let me get dressed.”

I did as I was asked and he came out wearing red jeans, blue t-shirt and TOM shoes a minute later.

“Shall we make breakfast for when Harry’s back?” I questioned.

“Nah lets just watch TV!” Louis smiled lazily. I got comfy and watched as Louis skipped through the channels to find something good, eventually I dozed off.

I heard the boys laughing.

“Is Harry there?” I asked.

“No actually good point…” I heard Liam say.

“What time is it?”


“He’s been gone for at least five hours! He only went to get milk!” I shrieked! I got up and started to leave the room.

“Where you going?” Niall wondered.

“To get changed.” I answered with a smile.

I opened the door to the Harry’s room and had the shock of my life! Jess and Harry…

“JESSICA AWLEY, HARRY STYLES!” I shouted tears streaming down my face, Jess smirked and Harry tried to catch my eye. I wouldn’t let him!

------------------ Authors Note -------------------

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Thanks for the 200 reads :D didn't think I'd even get 100!!

Lucy xx

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