Chapter 16

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Winter’s POV:

I hear the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the cave, I suddenly feel light rain tickling against my skin. I smile and lift my head up and open my mouth, I sigh with pleasure as the fresh water trickles into my mouth from the sky. I sit there for a while, just enjoying the taste of the water, getting more and more water at a time, as the rain got heavier.

The rain seemed to go hard, whilst the air seemed to get colder. I opened my eyes only to get hit in my right eyes by what I’m guessing is hail. Shit! I quickly hop out from underneath the hole in the cave and find a corner to nest in while I hope my eye gets better. Is Harry looking for me? I think it’s been days! Then again, how’s he to know where I am? I wonder what he’s been doing… I wonder if he’s worked out Jess is the bitch that kidnapped me… I was snapped out of my thought by a crash of thunder. Oh god! Thunder… that means- I saw the flash of lightning and then the sky go a cold black once again.

My fear of thunder and lightning storm all race back to me. How whenever there were storms I’d cry and wail, my parents would come and comfort me. This was when I was little. Now I’d usually just wrap myself if the duvet and reassure myself it would all be okay. I can’t do that now; I’m in a cave with nothing but mouldy food and sea water. I say 'I'll be okay, they'll come get you' over and over in my head, but I don’t believe myself, I have my reasons though. When I was five.


“Mummy?” I asked my mum sweetly, she look down at me softly but had tears streaming down her face. My dad came over and put an arm around her and was holding Anne’s hand. “What happened Mummy? Why is Uncle Mark here? Why isn’t he moving?”

She just looked down at me crying even more, she buried her head in the crook of my dads shoulder.

“Mummy!!” I wailed tears streaming down my face. “Mummy!!” I grabbed her leg hugging it. She didn’t respond to me, so I ran up to a lady in a white dress.

“What’s wrong with my Mummy!!” I yelled, tears rolling down my cheeks. The lady bent down and looked at me with her brown eyes; she held my hand squeezing it. “M-my Mummy!” I said between tears.

“Darling its okay. Your mummy’s just shocked.” She smiled reassuringly.

“Why’s Mummy shocked?” asked innocently feeling confused. The lady smiled at me awkwardly, she stood up and straightened her dress, then left the room and shut the door behind her. I stood there confused, turned back to my mum, she was praying. What was she praying for.

“Mummy?” I ran over to her and shook her shoulders, “Mummy?” I lifted her head up and smacked her over the head lightly to get her attention.

“Do you really want to know sweetie?” she questioned.

“I do Mummy!” I exclaimed, relived to know that I was about to be told what’s going on.

“You see that thunder and lightning storm outside?” she crouched down putting her arm around my shoulders, pointing to the window. Outside there was lightning flashes every so often, and thunder rattling through my ears.

“I do Mummy.”

“Well, Uncle Mark was outside in that storm and he was unlucky. Very unlucky.”

“Why was he unlucky? How was he unlucky?”

“He got struck… by lightning.”

“Is that not good then?” I asked sweetly, my mum smiled through her tears.

“It’s not good. I’m sorry.” She hugged me tightly, I hugged her back. I felt her playing with my blonde hair, hearing her sniff every so often. Suddenly there was a long beep. My mum leapt up and look at a weird machine, loads of random people ran in fiddling with different things. Then I heard one of them say something to my parents.

“I’m sorry, it’s too late. Mark is, gone.”

My mum melted into my dad’s arms, crying, I tip toed over to one of the people.

“Where’s Uncle Mark gone?”

“He’s, gone. Up there.” The man said pointing to the sky.

“He’s gone flying?” I wondered innocently.

“No, sadly not. I’m afraid you Uncle Mark is… dead.”

*End Of Flashback*

Since then I have been freaking petrified of everything to do with storms, I know it’s extremely unlikely for the same thing to happen to me, or anyone I know but it’s still a scary thought. That my uncle died because of it.

Harry’s POV:

To be honest going to talk to Jess didn’t help at all, she just confirmed all my theories. I was hoping for the opposite really, to find out Jess didn’t have a gun, Jess didn’t kidnap Winter, so Winter was probably safe. But I can’t guarantee that now…

Niall and I are just sitting in my car in the garage, staring into space. I can see Niall’s almost as worried as I am, it’s written all over his face. What the hell are we supposed to do? How do we know where to find Winter? I’ve really messed up. I should’ve called the police in the beginning. I should’ve staying in bed with Winter that morning rather than going out, it really was stupid. Now I haven’t put my life at risk, I’ve put Winter, the love of my life, I’ve put her life at risk. I’m such an idiot!

Liam’s POV 

I wonder what’s taking Harry and Niall so long; it had started to rain so I highly doubted they were at the beach anymore. I took my coat off of the hanger by the door. “I’m going to go look for Harry and Niall, guys, be right back!” I yelled, I walked out without waiting for their responses. The rain hit my face hard, the first lightening strike lit up the sky. The thunder boomed in my ears, I could see the sea raging from here. My stomach dropped.

What if they were still on the beach?

I got in Louis’ car and drove to the beach. I stopped the car, got out and raced out. “Harry?! Niall?! Are you here?!” I screamed, my eyes scanning every nook and cranny of the beach. “HARRY?!”



The lightening flashed again.

Then I heard it.

A girl screamed.

Winter’s POV

I felt water pool up at my feet, the cold seeping through my bones. I heard the ocean wave’s roar and the thunder clatter above my head. I whimpered. The water was up to my ankles, already, I screamed as a rock fell on my foot. I heard footsteps coming nearer, a rock was shaking loose above my head, I tried to move  but the rock held my foot in place.

“Harry?! Niall?! Are you here?!” I heard someone yell.

“Li-liam?” I whispered.


“Liam?!” I could barely raise my voice above a whisper, there was no way he would hear me. I felt something smash into the back of my head and screamed. I felt blood trickle down my neck and I managed to mutter a feeble. “Help me Liam.” Before I blacked out completely. 

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