Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Winter’s POV:

I took a sip of my hot chocolate but eyes concentrating on the TV. Harry might have just been shot in the shoulder and can’t go on tour but there doesn’t seem to be a way to avoid interviews, Harry was doing a live TV interview today and I’m ready to watch it when he’s on. Harry and Louis’ house is really quiet without any of the boys here…

 “Hello! Here we have the fabulous Harry Styles here ready for an interview! Cue the screaming!” an over the top interviewer sang. The camera moved from the lady to Harry, he smiled brightly. The interviewer sat down dangerously close to Harry and continued “So Harry. I understand that things have been a bit rough for you recently, would you mind telling us about everything that happened?”

 Harry smiled the started explaining everything from the day I met him right to now. When he’d finished the interviewer asked him a few more questions, which he answered.

 “You seem pretty loved up with your girlfriend Winter Morris…” the interview winked, Harry smiled blushing slightly.

“Yeah, she’s the most amazing girl I’ve met.”

“Well, we’d like to know…. What sort of things…. You two like to do….” The interviewer asked slowly, Harry smiled knowingly. If I was Harry right now, I would’ve probably told them it was a private matter and they had no right to ask but this was Harry so his reaction was slightly different to what mine would’ve been.

“If you’re asking if I’ve slept with her, I haven’t. I think she might still be a virgin…” he did NOT just say that!!! First, he shouldn’t have answered that question. Secondly, why the fuck did he say ON LIVE TELEVISION that I was a virgin. I am but the world doesn’t need to know that! It flipping PRIVATE!! What on earth possessed him to say that!

 I slammed my now empty hot chocolate mug on the table, grabbed my phone and purse and left Harry’s house. I don’t even care if the majority of my clothes are there, I just need to get out of there. I ran outside and called for a taxi then got a lift home, by the time I’d gotten home I’d already received 7 missed calls and 23 texts from Harry. Anne answered the door confusion smeared all over her face.

“Watch… Harry’s… interview!” I said between sobs that I hadn’t realized were coming from me, I guess my anger had been replaced with betrayed sadness. I ran into my room and threw myself onto my bed.

 My phone rang again, I let it ring, eventually it went to my self recoreded answering service:

“Hiii! It’s Winter and you’ve reached my answering service! I can’t take you call at the moment so either call me back later or leave a message after the beep!!”


“Winter! It’s Harry! Please stop ignoring me! I honestly didn’t mean to say what I said, I know it was stupid and I was a jerk for saying it! But what does it matter, chances are you won’t get hate for it, and even if you do… its just from pathetic people that don’t have anything better to do than send hate to people as perfect and amazing as you! If you’re listening to this message as I’m sending it please pick up……………. Ugh, please call me back as soon as! I’m sorry and I miss you! …. Love you bye”

 I sighed, he doesn’t understand! He’s not a virgin for sure and first I’ll get hate for being a virgin and people will think I don’t deserve him even more!! Since he’s met me his life has pretty much been wrecked! Not the mention the fact he got shot in the shoulder! I probably don’t deserve him… I am ignoring him right now…. And I don’t think that’s a good girlfriend trait….

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