Chapter 13

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“Sh-she just w-walked a-away!” I managed to say between sobs, I was curled up in Louis’ arms, bawling over the girl that just stared at me with lost eyes then walked away.

“What did you say?” he asked calmly

“Everything I-i s-said to y-you and more! A lot m-m-more!” I moaned, why did the girl I love have to hate me. “Boo, she’ll n-never love me again w-will she? I h-hate Jess! She ruined m-my life!”

“Haz, you have your reasons, she has hers. Maybe she just needs time; both your reasons are strong. It’s all one big misunderstanding!”

“B-but I poured my h-heart out t-to her, in front of f-fans and the paps a-and she j-just left!”

“I know, love, I know! Even though it’s the middle of the day, I think you should get some sleep!”

“But I’m comfy!” I groaned.

“Then sleep here on me. I’m tired as well so it won’t matter!” he yawned, I caught his yawn and did the same, my eyes fluttered shut and I dozed off into a dream about Winter.

“I love you!” Winter giggled as we sauntered into my bedroom, our fingers entwined.

“I love you more babe!” I stated truthfully. She softly tugged on my arm and directed me to the bed; I sat down on the end and pulled her onto my lap. We gazed into each others eyes, she has beautiful eyes! I leaned in and pecked her soft, plump pink lips. She leaned in again and slid her tongue on the edge of my lips and I let her in without hesitation. My arms fix themselves around her waist and hers hands are pressing lightly on my chest, she purposely knocks me backwards, still kissing me, she lays her legs either side of me so she’s on top of me. I stop kissing her for a second and our eyes meet. She slides off my white shirt then carries on kissing me; I slip off hers, my hands tangled in her golden blonde hair. I flip us over so I'm on top, my hand hovered over her shorts, I felt her nodding, I smiled into the kiss, and it all went from there.

“Harry?!” someone shook me, I jolted up and knocked the person over. I looked down to see Louis on floor giving me a shocked and confused look.

“Sorry!” I reached out and grabbed his hand a pulled him up “You took me by surprise!!”

“No worries. What were you dreaming about Harry…?” Louis asked slyly

“Um I can’t remember…” I lied.

“Really! I moved because I have a feeling you were half acting out your dream, and it was kind of creepy…”

“Shit! Please tell NO ONE!!”

“Don’t worry curly, I won’t. Was it Winter??” Louis laughed, I sighed.

“Yep, that’s the first I’ve ever dreamt about that?!”

“Woah!! Really?”

“Yeah… do you think she’ll ever take me back?”

“Probably. I have to say, your acting on your date with Jess was great!! You really made it look like you liked her!” He slapped my arm playfully. I smiled, then stared at the ground in shame, I really hurt Winter. “I’ll go try talk to Winter. And don’t worry, the dream is our little secret!!”

“Thanks.” My head shot up, a smile on my face “But isn’t it a bit late for that now?? It’s dark out…”

“Uh… oh yeah… I said to give her time so I’ll go tomorrow, that’s enough time isn’t it? Probably not but who cares!!” he carried on talking but I zoned out, I think he was pretty much talking to himself anyway, trying to make sure he knew what he meant. I don’t know! He’s Lou, BooBear! He’s crazy.

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