Chapter 18

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Harry’s POV:

Jess pulled the trigger.

Without even thinking about it I launched myself in front of the bullet, I felt the bulled pierce into my left shoulder. The force of the bullet hitting me shoved me backwards and on top of Winter, in the corner of my eyes I saw her hit her head and get knocked out.

The pain in my shoulder was excruciating, impossible to describe, I tilted my head to I could get a good view of it then let out a scream at the sight of it. The bullet had dug down deep into my shoulder, the skin around the wound was bloodstained and the skin was loose in places. I touched it with my right hand had to use all my strength to hold in a yelp, blood was pouring out of the bullet hole. My hand had blood dripping from it and blood was trickling down my arm, everything I saw seemed to make my breathing quicken. My vision was starting to go dizzy, it was like the world was spinning around me. I saw a fuzzy Louis and Niall run over to me and Winter, whilst Jess stood there looking shocked with herself.

I heard the faint sound of sirens before I passed out.


I felt a tight grip on my hand, I opened my eyes slightly and was blinded by the light. I shut them again quickly, but I decided to re-open them, I was in a white room, various machine’s were around me. My head’s killing me! I moved my head slightly so I could see who was holding my hand, I saw a mop or golden blonde hair. I attempted to say hello but my throat was too dry so it turned in a cough, the mop of hair shot up, revealing a beautiful but extremely tired and teary Winter Morris.

“Harry!” she whispered “Are you okay?” She passed me a glass of water, still holding my hand. I took a sip of the water.

“Of course I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?” I smiled, I tried to move my left arm to hug her but I ended up letting out a yelp, my gaze moved down to my shoulder. It all came flooding back to me, Jess kidnapped Winter, Winter was in a hole near the beach, Liam found her and called me and the boys, I jumped into the hole, we got her out whilst she was unconscious, Jess found us. Then finally I jumped in front of the bullet.

“I’m so sorry Harry!” She whispered tears spilling out of her eyes.

“Sweetie it’s not your fault! Everything about this my fault, I let Jess blackmail, I didn’t find you quick enough when you were kidnapped, I jumped in front of the bullet!” I reassured her.

“I’ve been here with you, all week!”

“WEEK!” I shouted, I then moaned from the pain I’d caused my headache and because I strained my shoulder.

“Yeah, you’ve been in a coma, it would’ve been worse if I hadn’t of been there to break your fall.”

“Are you okay! How’s your head?” I asked worry filling my words.

“I’m fine! I’ve just got a cut and a bump on my head. A rock did break a couple of my toes, but other than that I’m fine! You’re the one that’s been in a coma and got shot!” she stroked my knotted hair with the hand that wasn’t entwining with mine. I attempted to sit up and look at her toes but I was stopped by the indescribable feeling in my shoulder, I let out a moan of pain. “Harry, stop trying to move! I should get a nurse and tell them you’re awake!”

She slowly stood up and grabbed a pair of crutches and wobbled out the room and quickly returned with a doctor, Winter had her phone in her hand and I think she was talking to Louis, telling him about the fact I’m out of my coma.

“Hello Harry. I’m Dr. Blake Jones. I need you to describe everything you are feeling right now.” The doctor said.

“Well my shoulder is killing me and I feel sleepy and when people talk it really hurts my ears, oh and I also have a deathly headache.” I explained, Dr. Blake Jones nodded and wrote something down on a clipboard I only just noticed he had in his hands.

“Okay, Harry. Everything seems normal, you’re going to need someone to take almost constant care of you injury but we can provide the medicine for that. So as long as you promise to make sure your wound is kept clean and you look after it, you are free to leave the hospital.” He smiled then left the room, Winter walked over using her crutches and sat on the chair by my bed.

“Are you going to leave today? If you don’t want to I understand and I’ll stay.” She smiled, reaching for my right hand again. I wrapped my fingers around hers tightly, whilst grinning.

“I’m going to leave.” I squeezed her hand, the strength in her smile increased. “Who’s going to help me keep my shoulder clean? Did anyone visit?”

“I’ll help you; I’d be selfish if I didn’t! You did save my life! And almost everyone you know visited you, they just couldn’t stay! I haven’t left the hospital once!” she explained.

“Thank you so much for everything! Let’s go pick up the medicine and go home! Where are the boys?”

“Oh, they had to go on tour, because your breaks over. They didn’t want to but management pretty much forced them.” She helped spin me around in my bed literally lifted me until I was standing.


“HARRY!!!!!!” Louis yelled a humongous grin on his face, he ran up to me and literally jumped on top of me, enveloping me in a hug. I flinched at the pressure on my shoulder, Louis immediately picked up on that and sat upright on the sofa we were sat on. “Sorry… I forgot.” He bit his lip.

“Boo its fine. I’m fine.” I stretched out my right arm, motioning for Louis to give me a little hug, he hesitantly put his arms carefully around me. He pulled away.

“So Haz, how’s it been?” he smiled

“Good, just lounging all day, everyday with Winter. How’s the tour going?”

“Crap. It’s not right without you. The songs don’t sound right, and fans are complaining.”

“Sorry Boo.”

“It’s fine!! The rest of the boys told me to tell you they were sorry they weren’t aloud to come, only one of us could. And of course I wasn’t going to let it be one of them!!” he told me smiling.

“That’s my BooBear!!” I laughed, Winter hobbled in still having to use her crutches, because I need almost constant care Winter has been staying with me ever since I came home from the hospital. She’s been really sweet and I’m so glad she’s been here. She plonked down on the sofa on the opposite side to where Lou was.

“Hey Lou.” She smiled, her blue-green eyes twinkling in the light.

“Hey!!” he smiled, I leaned over to give Winter a quick peck on the lips, Louis’ smile dropped. “There was also one other reason I came back from being on tour…”

He was referring to trying to get Eleanor back. “Go ahead Lou, we’ll cover for you if management ask.” I smiled.

“Thank you so much Harry!! I’ll be back! Don’t miss me!” he grinned jumping up.

“We’ll try.” Winter and I chorused. He gave us an overdramatic wave before slipping out the door.

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