Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

Winters POV:

I sat on my bed playing jetpack joyride. That's right, I'm eighteen and I'm playing jetpack joyride. That's how sad my life is, I'd forgotten how sad my life was before I met Harry. I thought he loved me! I'd been kidnapped. He knew. He went off and slept with other girls. Also when he left that message he was fine with admitting Louis slept with someone but not him! He's such a dick!

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I called

Anne poked her head round the door.

"Do you want to come out for tea? Mum made enough for you."

I sighed "... Sure, whatever."

"Oh and if you want to talk to me, mum or dad about Harry we're all open for a chat..." she smiled awkwardly.

"I'm okay."

"Alright. Well, tea's been served up already."

I forced a smile, set my phone down then got up and followed Anne into the kitchen where my parents were sat at the table fake smiles rested upon their faces. Everything going on with me and Harry has torn my family apart.

Just as I was about to sit down the doorbell rang.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it." I smiled leaving the room to answer the door. I opened it to see a girl with long brown hair smiling at me.

"Er hi." I bit my lip

"Hiiii!" the girl shrieked "I'm a big fan of Harter Stylis and I think you should be together forever! You've been though a lot! And your so pretty and I want to be your friend! I finally found you!!!"

"Harter... Stylis.... What?"

"Yours and Harry's ship name."


"I'm Livvy by the way!! It's short for Olivia!"

"Well, come in I guess, I could do with a friend and you need some updating honey."

Livvy smiled and followed me in, we walked through the kitchen, my family looked at us, confusion pretty darn obvious.

"I'm not having tea anymore, a, er... Friend has just come over. Save my tea, I'll have it later."

They nodded and got back to eating. I led Livvy into my room and sat on my bed, I patted the spot next to me, motioning for her to come sit. She took the hint.

"Well first, why do you even like me-"

"Because you're Harry's girlfriend and do many other reasons!" Livvy cut in.

"And... Harry and I broke up because he slept with a girl when I'd been kidnapped..." I bit my lip, Livvy stared at me her mouth open wide.

"But Harry didn't sleep with her...."

"Haven't you seen the photos?"

"Yeah but one, they were drunk and two, Louis slept with someone. Not Harry!" She exclaimed.

"You actually believe that?"

"Don't believe. I know!"

"So you think that nothing happened...?"

"NOTHING HAPPENED!!" she yelled.

"Then why didn't he tell me?"

"Because he would've known you would've flipped out!"

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