Chapter 26

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*Louis' POV*

Scarlett dragged me out of the wardrobe by the hair, I screamed through the gag, her and Maisy giggled. Luke and James were having another glare war. Jess watched the two of them hungrily.

“Can I get up now? My hands are killing.” I whined, Scarlett rolled her eyes and untied me. I stretched my hands and walked over to Jess. Scarily enough, she was the only one I felt safe with at the moment.

“So what's the deal between these two?” I asked her, staring at the two boys giving each other looks that could kill.

“Oh, they both like her. But I don't seem to know, which one she'll choose if she finds out. Luke and Maisy have loads to talk about, they both love anime, video games, manga and other stuff like that. Whereas James keeps her entertained, he tells her stories, takes her on walks, stuff like that, stuff that most girls would kill for but she doesn't seem that bothered about... She's always hanging around with either one or the other so... I don't know.”

“You like them too?” I said quietly.

“Maybe... James is sweet, weird but sweet. Not to mention smoking hot. Luke's smart, resourceful and cheeky. Completely adorable. Both gorgeous, each with as good a traits as the other, it's impossible to choose!” She whispered, I snorted.

“Which one is more insane?”


“The choose Luke. He's the more normal of the two and therefore more ready for a relationship.”

“But he's crushing on a lunatic!-”

“Err, so are you. Two, actually.”

“... Oh yeah.”

“LUKE! WE'RE GONNA WATCH BLACK BUTLER! YOU COMING?!” Maisy yelled from the living room, James glared at Luke as he ran out of the room. James sighed and leaned back in his chair.

“Jess, what should I do?” He muttered, she jumped.

“Oh um, I don't know... Errr... Make her jealous?” She replied, looking confused. He scrunched his face up, I sat bolt right.

“Are you kidding me?! She'll go on a killing spree!”

Jess's eyes widened, she looked down at the floor and nodded. “It was a stupid idea. Don't listen to me.”

I placed my head in my hands. “I can't believe this is happening... I've been kidnapped by lunatics and I'm bored. BORED!”

“SHUT UP!” A voice yelled, Scarlett stood in the door way, a knife in her hand. “Me and my sister are TRYING to watch our program so SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!” She screamed, stamping her foot. Jess hung her head and James turned away, Scarlett walked slowly over to me and pressed the blade against my throat. “If you're soooo bored, you entertain yourself QUIETLY! ...Get it, pretty-boy?” She snarled, I nodded. She took the knife away, smiled sweetly and skipped back into the other room.

“Those girls, are menacing.” I muttered.

“SEBASTIAN!” I heard either Scarlett or Maisy scream, I couldn't really tell, I heard Luke chuckle afterwards. Jess turned to me. “What is Black Butler?”

I shrugged.

*Niall's POV*

“Where's Louis?” Zayn asked, Winter turned to look at Harry.

“We don't know.” Liam answered quietly.

"We're going to try find him... right?" I said, my gaze naturally turning to Winter, Harry noticed where my eyes were and put his arm protectively around her waist.

"Of course we are Ni, the question is, How?!" Liam looked around hoping for ideas.

"Er, I have a tracking app on my phone... Me and Jess used to use it to find each other when we lost each other. When we were friends that is..." Winter bit her lip looking around at us. Liam's face broke into a smile.

"That's it!" he grinned "how does the app work?"

"Wel you have a code and if your friends and family have that code they can use the app to track you. I still have the app and Jess' code, you said that Lou was with Jess...."

"Please tell me the name of this app! It could come in handy!" Zayn exclaimed smirking.

"Phone tracker for iPhone's. Plus it's free!!" Winter laughed.

"Let's go!" I declared fist pumping the air.

"Someone's excited..." Zayn smirked. I grinned, slipped my trainers on, grabbed my jacket and followed everyone else out the door. I saw in the front, with Zayn driving, Harry, Winter and Liam in the back. I turned around in my seat to watch Winter tapping away at her phone, Harry peering at the screen and Liam looking out the window.

"Yessss! Winter yelled "I've found her location!"

"Where is she?" Zayn asked realising he had no idea where he was supposed to be driving to.

"Wembury, which is in Plymouth. We're in Exeter... about an hours drive." 

I turned forwards and started fiddling with the satnav that was built into the car. 

Louis' POV:

I slouched on the sofa, Jess was sat next to me and James and had gone into the other room with the others to try get on Maisy's good side.

"Jess... If you now fancy Luke and James then why do you still want to kill Winter?" I asked.

"I don't know, I still love Harry. Harry is the one, the others are just random cute guys on the side. That I like. When Winter's gone, Harry will be mine!" Jess replied.

Jess is actually thick! If someone killed El, no way would I want to date them after! It's stupid really! But then again, she not the only stupid person... For starters there are all the people in the next room and then there's the police. How on earth have they not stopped any of these crazy criminals and seriously... the asylum Jess was in. They haven't even tried to find her! WHAT?! 

I hear them all talking from the next room, Jess is daydreaming. Now would be the perfect time to try and escape.... I slowly sit up from my slouched position and rise trying not to move the sofa. So far Jess hasn't noticed me... I creep towards the door when a floorboard creaked. Jess' eyes that were previously glazed over focused on me, and before she could stop herself she screamed my name. 

Before I knew it Maisy was on top of me, glaring at me. Scarlett handed her a knife.

"Where do you think you're going pretty boy?" she said with no emotion in her voice.

"Err... Y-you know... er... well... no where..... I-I um.... need the loo. I didn't want to disturb you..." I stuttered, Maisy's eyes narrowed.

"Then why did Jess scream when she saw you getting away?" she growled putting the knife to my throat.

"Er... I almost fell and... she... er... um she was worried.... right Jess?" I looked over at Jess nervously, she nodded almost too quickly.

"Yeah, I wouldn't let him escape! I wouldn't noticed.... right?" she bit her lip. 

"Don't let it happen again bitch." Maisy barked, got off me and led the others back into the other room to carry on watching Black Butler whatever it is....

I sighed and sat down, though this time I was opposite Jess.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say anything. To be honest if you hadn't have taken me by surprise I probably would've let you go because you being here doesn't really make a difference." she bit her lip "Actually, if I'd let you go then you'd have told the others the plan and I'd be in deep shit with Maisy. I'm not even sure I'd come out the other end alive if you got away!" I raised an eyebrow, Jess may be the safest here - though she's not really safe at all - but she's definitely got to be the most annoying! And not the sharpest tool in shed.

Out of the blue an alarm started ringing in my ears and shouts echoed through the house, someone had broken in!

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