Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Harry’s POV:

How did it come to this! When I was with Winter, it was the first time I’d ever liked a girl that much! I hate Jessica Awley!


“What time is it?” I muttered to myself. It was 5:47, I should go back to sleep but I can’t. I look down at Winter and see her fast asleep, I get up and walk into the kitchen… I’m going to make breakfast… first I’ll make tea,  typical, no milk! I might as well go to the shop and get some milk. It opens at 5. I wrote a note:

Gone down the store to get some milk, be back soon



I left the house and started walking down the street; I signed into twitter and read a few tweets before getting bored.  Decided to text my beautiful girl.

To Winter: Did you get the note in the kitchen? Miss you, you look cute when you sleep! Should be back soon! Love you xxx

I knew she wouldn’t reply but I sent it anyway.

I finally got to the store- why didn’t I drive- then there was a sign saying:

Due to illness of the owner, we won’t be opening until 8:30. Sorry for any inconvenience.

I sat down.Great! Do I wait or do I go back?

“I suggest you do neither babe!” I looked up to see a girl standing above me. The girl sat right next to me. Jess. “By the way, hun. I can’t mind read… you thought aloud!!”

“What do you want?” No emotion in my voice. I really hate this girl!

“You!” She replied instantly.

“Well you’re not getting me! I love, yes I said- and mean- love, Winter!”

“Oh really! I’m not getting you am I??” She had and mischievous glint in her eye, evil in fact. Her voice seemed sarcastic.

“Y-yes why would I-I let you h-have me.” I have to admit I’m scared! She is creepy.

“Well would you change your mind if I told you my family own a gun…?” Her eyes narrowed.

“I-I don’t be-believe you!” I regretted saying that because she reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out a gun.

“If you don’t cheat on Winter with me then carry on loving me, well… there will be no Winter!” This girl was a maniac!!

“You wouldn’t!”

“Wouldn’t I! Harry… I love you very, very much!! I’d do anything for you! So we have a deal? You want to keep your precious Winter alive don’t you?” She looked deadly serious. I gulped saw the ammo in her pocket, this freak wasn’t bluffing! I love Winter and I want her to be alive but how could I live knowing I’d made her feel so sad by cheating on her! Well, if you can call it cheating! Then again, I could NEVER live if Jess…

“You… have… a deal.” She shook my hand whilst I gazed at the ground.

“Plus you tell NO ONE of this deal.” I nodded not looking up.

She took my to some random hall and started lecturing me about how I should behave in front of an audience, then she decided she wanted a make out session. I didn’t object simply because I just sat there, worrying about what will be sure to come.

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