Chapter 20

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Authors Note:

Sorrryyyy!! i've taken forever to update i know!!! i seriously going to try and update more often from now on. schools just started and ive been really busy!! My awsome friend @KittyMew is going to make me write more often so thank her!!

I hope you this update!!!

Lucy xx

Chapter 20:

Winter’s POV:

I rested my head on Harry’s shoulder, his arm immediately found it’s way round my waist.

“Harry?” I said, half watching whatever was on TV.


“Why did you jump in front of the bullet?”

“Because I love you and you probably wouldn’t be here right now if I hadn’t of jumped in front of it.”

“Yeah, but what if you got shot somewhere worse… and it killed you. Think of all the teens, they’d have gone suicidal, everything would be in pieces.”

“But I didn’t get shot somewhere worse, and I didn’t get killed. Plus the teens wouldn’t have gone suicidal.”

“Yes they would. Plenty of girls are cutting themselves just because you’re not on tour and because you got shot, and I’m betting there’s at least 100 girls that are going suicidal only because you got shot and survived. It’d be terrible if you had died.”

“But I didn’t die! If you had been killed I would probably never go on tour again, and maybe, just maybe have gone suicidal myself, which might’ve resulted in way more girls going suicidal that there is now!”

“I guess, I just feel so bad. The reason that you’re like this is my fault!”

“What the hell!” he laughed

“What?” I looked up at him, confusion written all over my face.

“How the hell is this you’re fault? I was the one that should’ve called the police when Jess first threatened me. I was the one that got Jess mad enough to shoot. I was the one that jumped in front of the bullet. So… I think we can come the conclusion that it’s my fault.”

I racked my brains for a reply but couldn’t quite think of one.

“Thank you.” He smiled kissing me on the forehead “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“I didn’t say anything…”

“I know, if you had said anything then it would have been something along the lines of: Harry, never say that, it is NOT your fault!!” he mimicked my voice

“I do not sound like that.” I defended, he smirked.

“That’s what they all say.” He winked, I rolled my eyes.

*Jess’ POV*

Here I am with some other “mentally disturbed” people! I was given the choice to either have my own private therapist or do group therapy. I chose group therapy so I  wasn’t constantly alone with these damn mental asylum workers. I twiddled my thumbs waiting for the therapy to start. A girl that looked abot my age bounced up to me, an insane grin on her face.

“Hello there!!! I’m Maisy!! Nice to meet you. Nice to see you here. Nice to say hi. WHOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!” Maisy sang.

“Er…. Hi…..” I said my head cocked to one side. She had brown hair that fell to just below shoulder length and had brown-green eyes that fizzed with excitement.

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