Chapter 17

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updated twice in one day!! wow lol i'm with my friend, Lou (@KittyMew),and she wanted me to!! :D

hope you like it! By the way, don't listen to 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion whilst reading this, lol just in case *cough cough* Izzy (@LifeIsARainbow) *cough cough*

Lucy xx

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Liam’s POV:

A girl screamed.

“Hello?” I yelled, I ran over to where the sound came from, I peered down into a cave. I flipped out my phone and dialled Zayn’s number.

“Hey Liam.” He answered.

“Zayn, I don’t know where Harry and Niall are-”

“Don’t worry Harry and Niall are here.”

“I heard a girl scream, I think it came from inside this cave.”

“Do you want us to come and help you?”

“YES! Bring some rope!”

“Okay, you’re on the beach right?”

“Yes! Now come quickly!” I hissed, the phone went dead. I kneeled down by the hole, and poked my head in, I could see a girl lying on the floor, soaked in both water and blood, her blonde hair tangled and floating around in the water. She seemed familiar.

Louis’ car pulled up at the beach car, the boys rushed out and over to me. Zayn was holding a reel of rope.

“Guys look down the hole!” I shouted feeling very worried.

“I’m going down!” Harry exclaimed. He literally threw himself down the hole, I heard him gasp. “No…”

“What is it Harry?” I questioned. He stood up shaking his head, his eyes wide.

“No… No no no!” he looked up at us from down in the cave.

“Harry?” Louis frowned.

“It can’t be…” he whispered mostly to himself.

“Harry! Tell us what’s wrong.”

“That-that’s Winter.” A single tear rolled down his cheek.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get her out, she’ll be okay.” I reassured. I watched him heave a stone off her left foot, and then he carefully lifted her limp body. Zayn threw the rope down keeping hold onto one end, Harry gently tied the rope around Winter and his waists still keeping hold of her tightly. Louis, Niall, Zayn and I positioned ourselves in a line, all holding onto the rope ready to pull Harry and Winter up.  We all heaved, Harry lifted her through first, Niall grabbed her. His eyes widened, he lifted up her head to look at her, blood smeared across his hand, tears appeared in his eyes. “Winter…”

Her eyes fluttered open, she lifted a hand and placed it on Niall’s cheek. “Niall...” She whispered, his tear fell onto her cheek, she wiped Niall’s tears away. “Don’t cry Niall, please don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it.”

“For me, please?”

A hint of a smile started on his face, he laughed humourlessly. “I’ll try.”

“There’s my Nialler.” Her hand fell lifelessly back onto her chest. A horrible choking sob came from Niall as he lightly placed her onto the floor. I walked over and put an arm around his shoulders as he sobbed like a child into my shoulder. Harry clambered out, he quickly stood up and ran over to Winter, limping slightly, I guessed it was from leaping into the hole. He took Winter’s limp hands in his, hope in his eyes. “Winter?” He asked. “…Winter?! Winter, please answer me. PLEASE?! NO, YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME!! NOT LIKE THIS!! I WANT TO SAY GOODBYE!! DON’T LEAVE ME WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!!”

Louis pulled Harry away from Winter and held him close as he wail loudly, I saw Zayn silently shed a tear too. Louis had silent tears streaming down his face, I felt tears roll down my cheeks and held Niall closer. 

“She dead yet?” Jess muttered, looking over my shoulder.

“YOU MONSTER!! I’LL KILL YOU!!” Harry screamed, pouncing on her, he raised his fist in the air, she pulled something out of her pocket and pressed it against his stomach, his eyes widened and his fist fell to his side, she grinned. “There’s a good boy.” She purred.

Harry’s POV:

She pressed the gun against my stomach, I dropped my fist to my side, she smirked. “There’s a good boy.” She purred. I backed away from her, crouched down next to Winter.

“Please, I love you, come back tome.” I whispered in her ear. I kissed her softly, hoping her to wake up, nothing happened. I fell on to my knees and placed my head on her stomach crying. "Don't leave me here without you." 

“Harry?” I heard her beautiful voice croak.

“Winter!” I lifted my head and gazed into her gorgeous but now faded looking eyes. “I missed you. I’m so sorry for everything! Never scare me like that again. I love you so much.” I pressed my lips to hers.

“I love you too.” She whispered, smiling slightly. “could you please help me up?”

“Are you sure? You might fall over.”

“Then help her up and let her fall over.” Jess shouted with a harsh tone.

“Jess what is happening here?” Liam asked confused.

“I’m not telling you smart ass! If you know you’re smart enough to do something about it!” she snapped “Harry get off the fucking girl!”

I gently helped Winter to her feet, keeping an arm around her waist.

“I said; Get. Off. The. Fucking. Girl.” Jess repeated slowly, anger coating her words.

“You won’t shoot.” I dared to say.

“Try me!” she hissed. I glanced at Winter, she nodded so I slowly backed away from her.

“H-harry I’m scared.” Winter whispered.

“I’m scared too babe. You’ll be okay, I promise.” I smiled at her, I didn’t believe that we’d be okay but I said it anyway.

Jess cackled. “I wouldn’t be so sure Harry, I’m ready to shoot!” I nodded, not daring to do anything else. In the corner of my eye I saw Zayn and Liam sneak off, I hoped to god they were calling the police or the hospital. Thankfully Jess didn’t notice them.

“How did they find you?!” Jess hissed to Winter.

“I-I don’t know…” she stuttered.

“Really? How. Did. They. Find. You.”

“She had passed out Jess! Leave her alone.” I snapped. “We heard her scream when she got knocked out.” I said we because I didn’t want her to notice Liam and Zayn had gone somewhere.

“Ugh. You guys are just wasting my time!!” she moaned. “Can't I just kill her and you go out with me so we can get this over with? I mean it’s raining and cold and storms are just stupid!”

“How about you leave us alone and go get a life!!” I groaned.

“Too far Harry, too far.” Jess whispered slyly. She raised the gun and aimed at Winter.

“NO!” I screamed.


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