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I felt the warm LA sun on my face.

I woke up at 6 am this morning and couldn't sleep anymore.

I decided to go outside in the backyard and watch the beautiful sunrise of LA.

This is one of the things why I wanted to go to LA.

I grew up in a small place called Accrington in the UK.

I dropped out of school at the age of 14.

I got offered a scholarship for a dance studio here in LA.

This is my 2nd year here in LA.

So here I am, sitting outside at 6.30 watching the LA sun rise.

Theirs one thing I can't get out of my head though, the bad guys.

Who are they and what do I have to do with them.

'Here, don't know if you drink it black though.' I heard Daniel's voice from behind me.

I jumped a little and turned around to face him.

'Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.' He said apologizing.

'No it's okay. Just too deep in my thoughts. Thanks.' I said and took the coffee from Daniel.

'And yes, I drink it black.'

I watched the beautiful view again.

'That makes 2 of us then.' He said and took a sip of his coffee.

It stayed silent for a bit.

It wasn't an awkward silent though, it was nice.

'Why are you up so early?' Daniel aksed me.

'I don't know. Guess it's because i'm in an unknown place.' I said and took a sip of my coffee.

Daniel didn't answer me and took a sip from his coffee to.

'Why are you up?' I asked him and looked at him.

'That couch gives you serious back pains.' He said and laughed a little.

I couldn't help but laugh to.

'Wow. That smile looks way better on you than al those tears.' Jack said while placing himself on my left side.

Daniel and Jack both looked at me.

I kept looking at the view infront of me.

'It's so beautiful.' I said softly.

'I know' they both said at the same time.

All 3 of us chuckled.

'I want to trust you guys you know...' I said and looked to my coffee in my hands.

'It's just.. I have a bad habit of trusting people way too quick... the last time I said I trusted someone i got screwed over big time...' I continued.

'Tessa listen. I don't expect you to trust us in one night. I wouldn't either. Take your time, we'll know when your ready to trust us.' Daniel said and looked at me.

I smiled at him.

'Just because you don't trust us yet, doesn't mean we are not gonna take care of you. I need you to know that you're safe here and that we will never hurt you. Not now, not ever.' Jack said and I looked at him with a tear rolling down my cheek.

'It's weird. You guys took me and I have no idea who you guys are. And yet here I am having a conversation with you guys and I don't have the feeling that I need to run away.' I said and looked at Jack.

I smiled at him and then at Daniel.

'You guys want more coffee?' I asked and the both nodded.

I stood up and got the 3 of us another coffee.

I looked at the clock.

Yeez i have literally been watching the sunset and talking with Jack and Daniel for 3 hours.

'I'm guessing you had a good conversation.' Jonah said entering the kitchen.

I jumped again and turned around.

'Jesus you guys have a thing for scaring me today.' I said and took a deep breath.

Jonah looked at me with regret in his eyes.

'I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you.' He said looking at me.

'It's okay. I was thinking out loud again wasn't I?' I said with a little smile.

He smiled back at me and Zach and Corbyn entered the room.

'Wow. That smile looks so good on you.' Corbyn said and smiled.

'Way better than al those tears.' Zach finished Corbyn's sentence.

I smiled.

'That's exactly what Jack said.' I said looking at them.

They all laughed.

'I mean we're kind off the same person.' Jonhah spoke.

'You guys want coffee? I asked them.

'Please' the 3 of them said together.

I smiled.

'Wow you are literally one person' I said and poured them coffee in the mugs.

They laughed.

'Here' I said and walked back to Jack and Daniel with their coffee and mine.

'Morning lads.' Corbyn said and placed himself next to Daniel.

Zach and Jonah set themselves next to Jack.

We looked the view for a while before I spoke again.

'I'm not from here you know.' I started.

They all turned to me.

'Actually we do.' Zach said.

Okay, what do these guys know about me?

'Can I ask a question? And will you answer it honestly?' I said and looked at them.

'I want to trust you guys, but I first need to know who you guys really are and what you know. I think I deserve some answers. I don't care if it's safe or not. I need to know why i'm here... what do you guys really know about me?' I spoke in one breath.

I need answers.

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