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'So where have you guys been then?' I asked hugging Blake.

'Well.. we have some news actually.' George said with a smile.

'Omg you're pregnant, finally congrats.' I said smirking at Reece.

'Yeah we're really happy.' George said playing along.

'Okay 1 ew and 2 no.' Reece said laughing.

The boys walked in the room and stood by the piano.

'We're going back to the UK.' Blake said serious.

'W-what, why?' I said sad.

'Well.. you know The Vamps right?' Reece asked.

'Oh you mean the band that I jam out to all the time and that handsome lead singer who's gonna father my children? Yeah I know that band.' I said smiling.

'Wow, obsessed that bad huh?' Eben said walking in smiling.

'Shut up.' I said laughing as he sat beside me.

'Okay anyway..' blake started.

'They offered us a record label and asked us to go on tour with them..' he continued.

'WHAT! OMG THAT IS AMAZING!' I said jumping up and hugging him.

They smiled.

'We haven't accepted it yet though..' George said.

'Excuse me?' I said looking at him.

'Well George and I have, but Reece here-' blake explained.

'ARE YOU NUTS?' I yelled at Reece. 

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

'I-I'm scared Tess.. i'm so scared to leave you.' He whispered.

I said nothing and took him in a hug immediately.

'Hey, there is no reason to be. Look at me.' I whispered.

'I'm safe here. All the boys are taking care of me. You have to accept the record label. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You've been dreaming of this since you were little. It's time to let all the hard work pay off now okay?' I said holding his hands.

'You promise you'll call if anything happens?' He said.

'Yeah of course, always, I promise. You're my big brother Reece. You'll always come first.' I said and kissed his cheek.

'And when you sell out you're first show, i'll be front row, screaming from the top of my lungs.' I said smiling.

He smiled and hugged me.

'I love you little sis.' He whispered.

'I love you way more big brother.' I whispered back.

Reece let go of me and did their handshake with George and Blake.

'So I guess we're going on tour.' Reece said smiling.

Eben and I cheered.

'Wow what's going on here?' Jack said laughing.

'Oh you..' Jack said as his smile dropped and he saw Blake.

'Jack..' i said and walked to him.

'Calm down, okay?' I whispered to him.

He took a deep breath and nodded at me.

'New Hope Club here are going on tour with the Vamps and got a record label.' I said smiling at them.

The other boys walked in to.

The tension rising.

'Boys that's amazing, congrats.' David said walking in with Aspen who was smiling brightly.

'Yeah congrats.' She said.

'Thanks.' They said and smiled back.


'Okay.' I said and clapped in my hands.

'This...' I said pointing between the two boybands.

'Has to end. I honestly don't know what the problem is.' I said.

'He hit me in my face.' Jack said staring at Blake.

'Because he deserved it.' Blake said staring at Jack.

'He promised to keep you safe.' Reece said looking at zach.

Zach looked down to his hands.

'Okay that's it! Enough!' I yelled.

They all jumped.

'I don't care what happened between you guys and I'm not asking you to be friends. Jack you kinda had it coming. Blake you were kinda harsh. Reece, forgive him. It's not his fault. I'm here right? Isn't that all that matters? I'm back safe. And you are all so important in my life and I can't have you fighting, so please..just..be nice.' I said in one breath and then took a deep breath.

'I still don't trust them.' George said.

'I'm not asking you to.' I said and walked outside.

'Tessa wait.' Aspen said and followed me.

I sat down on the grass and took a deep breath.

'Boys.' I said.

'Right?' She said.

I grabbed her hand.

'Thanks for helping me.' I said and smiled.

She smiled back.

'Yeah of course. Always.' She said.

It was getting noisy inside so Aspen and I decided to check up.

On that exact moment my phone rang.

I looked at the screen and held my breath.

I picked up

'Hi?' I said.

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