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Minutes feeling like hours and hours feeling like days.

Days feeling like weeks and weeks feeling like months.

And eventually months felt like years.

Those 2 days felt like 2 years.

You'd think that Luke would be an ass to me, but it wasn't Luke.

It's his friends.

All i've been able to do those 2 days was cry and fight.

Everytime Luke would come in here i'd be a bitch.

I didn't like him back then and I don't like him now.


So here we are again.

Me in the small room, no sunlight.

At least I know everyone is safe.

I pulled my knees upto my chest as I heard the door open.

'Here eat.' Luke said and placed a plate with food infront of me.

I didn't say anything but just stared at the wall.

'Oh c'mon Princess, how long are you gonna do this?' He said and sat next to me.

'Untill i'm dead.' I said harshly

He pressed my knees down and turned me to face him.

'Listen to me. I don't wanna get mad at you. Do what I say. You're friends are not coming to get you. They are all on my side.' He said angry

I shut my eyes.

I felt Luke put his hands around my cheeks.

'Open you're eyes and look at me' he said harshly.

I slowly opened them.

'You leave me no choice princess.'

I removed his hands from my face and crawled to the end of the bed.

'I'm not you're princess' I said rude.

He stood up and walked to me.

'Yes you are. You don't really have much of choice do you?' He said and kissed my forehead.

I pushed him away and looked at him angry.

'I will never love you Luke. Never.' I said angry.

I knew it was stupid to say but anger just got to me.

I felt a sharp pain hit my cheek.

Immediately I had tears in my eyes.

'I'm done being nice to you. I really tried but you leave me no choice. Get up!' He said angry.

I didn't get up.

'GET UP TESSA!' He now screamed.

Luke hasn't called me Tessa ever.

I quickly stood up feeling very fragile.

I wasn't wearing much clothing.

A short booty shorts and a small sleeveless top.

'So I can admire you're body.' He said when he gave me the clothes on the first day.

Luke walked behind me and put his arms around my waiste.

'Now.. You will do whatever I say' he  whispered in my ear.

I got shivers all around my body.

I felt disgusting.

He started leaving kisses around my neck.

Slowly tears started streaming down my face.

In a quick turn Luke turned me around.

'I made a promise with my boys.' He said and stroked my cheek.

Behind me I heard the door open and close and a couple of footsteps enter.

I slowly started to panic.

In the 2 days i've been here Luke and his friends hadn't been in the same room together.

And now i'm in the middle of them.

'P-please don't hurt me' I stuttered.

They formed a circle around.

'I'm sorry princess, but you leave me no choice.' Luke said while stroking my cheek.

I felt one of his guys grab my from behind.

'N-No.' I cried.

I felt a drug put to my mouth.

Slowly I felt my body go numb.

Luke placed me on the bed.

I didn't fall asleep.

My body was just to tired to do anything, due to the drug.

I felt hands and lips go all over my body.

I wanted to fight but I couldn't.

Tessa Bibby doesn't give up without a fight, but Luke was right this time: I don't have a choice. 

I can't fight this time.

I knew what was happening so I just let it happen.

The whole time I could do nothing but cry and listen to the disgusting sounds of guys having a pleasure.

After what seemed like forever, it finally came to an end.

They all left the room and I got in the corner of the room, not wanting to be in that disgusting bed.

I felt so disgusting and I kept crying.

'Please find me.' I whispered softly with tears streaming down my face.

'Please come find me.'

I placed my small cold body to the wooden cold floor and slowly cried myself to sleep.

Hoping that the next day everything would be over.

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