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I grabbed an outfit from the closet.

Listen up here.

My closest was full of new shoes and clothes.

I felt like a princess at this moment.

I changed my pj's for a casual outfit.

I grabbed my phone and went back down

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I grabbed my phone and went back down.

'Hey are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten i see.' Zach shouted as he saw my sweater.

All the boys started laughing.

'Shoot. The man's got game' Corbyn said and did their handshake with zach.

'Okay. I'm gonna pretend like that didn't happen.' I said and placed myself next to Jonah and Jack on the couch.

'Hey Tessa. I have curls and you're a girl, you wanna date?' Jack said with a smirk.

'Nooooo' Jonah said laughing.

All the boys were laughing including me.

'Oh my god. What is going on?' I shouted laughing and went off the couch.

'We're just a bunch of goons.' Corbyn said laughing.

'Okay okay. C'mon.' I said to daniel, Jonah and Corbyn.

'What?' Daniel said.

'Show me your game.' I said.

I sat myself on the counter of the kitchen and the boys formed a line in front of me.

Corbyn stepped in front of me and grabbed my hand.

'Dear Tessa, will you be the princess peach to my mario?' Corbyn said barely able to hold his laugh.

'No No No.' I said laughing and dropped my head in my hands.

Jonah stepped up to me.

'I just wanna let you know, that if I was a traffic light, i'd turn red everytime you pass by just so i could stare at you a little longer.' He said and kissed my hand afterwards.

'Daang' jack shouted

'Okay.. that was pretty good.' I confessed.

'I told you he has the strongest game.' Daniel said laughing.

'We don't know that. I haven't seen yours yet.' I said to Daniel.

Daniel smirked and walked out of the kitchen.

As soon as he walker back in with his guitar the boys all smiled.

'Theirs only one thing i'll say and the rest you just have to listen to.' He began while putting his guitar over his neck.

'I'm in a band, wassup.' He said and started playing his guitar.

All the boys smiled.

They serenaded me with nobody gotta know.

'Nobody gotta know.' Zach sang the last line as Daniel played the last chord on his guitar.

I clapped my hands.

'Oh my god, that was amazing!' I said with a smile.

'Thank you' they all said.

The rest of the day we didn't do much.

I met their manager David and his daughter Aspen later on that day.

First I was really scared, but found out that they know about everything and are also here to keep me safe.

The day went on and I had a lot of conversation with the guys, aspen and david.

By now it was 23.00 and I had a text from blake.

'Just landed in LA with George and your dad. I'll meet you tomorrow.'

I texted him back.

'Meet me at this adress. *inserts adress*. I love you!'

I replied to him and then locked my phone.

I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

'Water' I said softly.

It reminded me of my brother.

One of his songs is called water.

'H2O' Corbyn said walking into the kitchen.

I smiled a little looking up to him.

'You're the smart one, aren't you?' I said and sat myself on the counter.

'I'd like to claim that title, yupp' he said laughing.

I laughed a little to.

'Hey' he said walking up to me and took my hands in his.

I looked up to him.

'We're gonna try everything we can to save him okay? We won't stop untill we have him back.' He said softly.

I had a tear streaming down my face.

'I hope so... thank you Corbyn.' I said to him with a little smile.

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

After a couple of seconds i broke the hug.

'I'm really tired. I'm gonna head of to bed okay?' I said to him.

'Yeah, you go do that.' He said and kissed my head.

I smiled again.

I hopped of the kitchen counter and walked into the living room.

'Hey i'm gonna head of to bed. I'm really tired.' I said to the other 4.

'Goodnight princess' jack said and gave me a smile.

I smiled back

'Goodnight Tessa' jonah, zach and daniel said and smiled to.

'Goodnight guys.' I said and walked up into my room.

I took of my make-up and put on my pj's.

I climbed in bed and checked my phone one last time.

Tomorrow I will figure out how to save my brother.

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