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After Daniel and Jack ran out I send George and Blake away.

Them being in this house wasn't gonna help the tension.

'Hey Tessa do you have a second?' Jonah asked me.

I turned around and looked at him.

'Yeah, sure.' I said and walked with him.

I sat down on the kitchen counter and jonah leant to the kitchen counter next to me.

'Jack and Daniel they didn't just storm out.' He said looking down

'Jonah? You can talk to me.' I said looking at him.

'At first this was just a game to us. We would get money and fame out of us. At least that's what we were told.. Soon Zach started realizing it was more than just a game. He tried to convince us but they found out. So they.. they uhm..' jonah said at the edge of tears.

I jumped of the counter and stood infront of him.

'What? What did they do Jonah?' I said softly grabbing his hands.

He hold on to my hands, took a deep breath and looked at me.

'They threatened our families. Our younger sisters.' He spoke softly.

I wrapped Jonah tight in my arms.

I made circles on his back to calm him down.

'They never touched our sisters, but I hit Jack and Daniel the most. Family is absolutely everything to them. It's just..'

'Shh Jonah. I understand it now, you don't have to say anything else.' I said and wrapped my arms even tighter around him.

I hugged him for a while before slowly loosen my grip around him.

'Listen to me okay, I will find out who did this to you, all of you. I'm gonna save my brother and gonna free you guys from them. I won't stop till it's done, I promise.' I said kissing his forehead.

'You're making promises now hmm?' He said with a little smile.

'And I won't brake them.' I said

This is gonna be a grazy and emotional ride, but it's gonna be worth it.



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