28, Final Chapter

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'Lexie hurry up! We gotta leave soon.' I shouted up the stairs while checking my hair in the mirror.

'Tessa stop shouting at you're sister!' My mom said.

I walked to her and kissed her cheek.

'It's okay mom, she can take it. She's a big girl now.' I said smiling kissing her cheek.

'That I am indeed.' She said walking downstairs.

I looked at her and smiled. 

'You look beautiful.' I said

'Thanks big sis.' She said and smiled back.

'Okay have fun you two.' Dad said walking in and wrapping his arms around my mom.

'Bye!' Lexie and I shouted and hopped in my car.

Lexie smiled at a text she got.

'You're in love huh?' I said smirking.

'Shut up.' She said laughing.

'You're lucky it's Ryan. Otherwise you would be locked in the house right now.' I told her.

She smiled and we drove to the venue.

I got a text from david.

'Come to the dressing room, it's an emergency.'

I read the message and walked in after taking some pictures with the fans.

'Lexie!' I heard a male voice.

Lexie looked up and ran to Ryan.

She kissed him and he kissed her.

'Hey little Herron! You better not do that again in front of my face, got it?' I said threatening.

After a couple of seconds we broke out laughing.

'I love you.' He shouted.

'I love you more.' I shouted back.

I left lexie with Ryan and went to the dressing room.

I entered the room and took in the situation.

'I'm gonna throw up.' Jack said

'I can't do this.' Jonah said with his head in his hands.

'I'm going home.' Zach said walking around the room.

'I'm gonna cry, bye' Daniel said.

'Nope this was a bad decision.' Corbyn said running his hands trough his hair.

Dave walked up to me.

'Please talk to them.' He said throwing his hands in the air.

'Okay shut up!' I shouted.

They all looked up shocked at me.

'Jack, you ain't puking. Jonah, shut up. Zach, you ain't going anywhere. Daniel, stop crying. Corbyn, no this was the best decision ever.' I said in one breath.

'This is Madison freaking Square Garden. It's sold out. You're headlining it. Everything you've done is leading up to this moment. I am so incredibly proud of you. The family is so proud of you. This is you're night, make it count!' I continued.

'Come here.' I said to them and opened my arms.

They all ran into my arms and I was hugged from all the sides.

'You guys coming into my life was the hardest but also the bestest thing that ever happened to me. We came from a really dark past and we fought our way trough. Let that pay off, tonight is you're night. You're stage.' I said and kissed al their cheeks.

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