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I closed the door and took a deep breath.

This is it and they have no idea

'You're not supposed to be here and yet you are here' I said and walked to the car.

'you've been acting weird and we know nothing.' Blake spoke and crossed his arms over his chest

'Listen we are not going anywhere until you explain what's going on.' George said and turned me to face them.

I closed my eyes and opened them again quickly.

'just get in the damn car, I'll explain there.' I said and got in the car.

Great I just got them in danger too.

I looked at me dad and hugged him tight.

I didn't wanna let go.

'Sweetcheeks, what's going on? Where are we driving this late?' my dad asked worried.

I let go of him and quickly wiped away my tear so that they wouldn't see it.

'They know that you're coming with me, but you 2..' I said and turned to face George and Blake in the back.

They both looked at me with worried and questioning faces.

'You just made this ten times harder.' I said a bit mad.

'Why?!' Blake said mad.

'Tess why the hell won't you tell us what he heck is going on?' George said angry now too.

'I CAN'T... I can't' I screamed and then whispered.

All 3 looked at me shocked.

I don't get mad easily and I have almost never screamed to them.

I looked at my phone and checked the time.


'No matter what happends, you need to promise me that you stay in the car.' I said and tuned to my dad, Blake and George.

'what why?' my dad asked.

I grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes.

'promise me.' I said with a little smile.

He stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

'Okay, I promise.' He said softly.

I pulled him a hug.

'We need to go. Drive us to the address I gave you' I whispered in his ear.

My dad let me go and started the car.

'George? Blake? Promise me.' I said.

They stayed silent.

'please for once, don't play the big brother role..' I said and looked at them.

'Promise me.' I said and grabbed their hands.

They looked at me sadly and spoke.

'I promise' they said softly.

I gave them a little smile and then nodded at my dad to drive.

He drove away and the whole ride was silent.

Half an hour later the address got in sight.

'Dad stop here.' I said and he parked the car at the corner of the street.

He took the motor off and it was dead silent.

'Okay.. I'm gonna get out. No matter what stay in the car. If in half an hour nothing happened you call the number I send you okay?' I said and grabbed my dad's hands.

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