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Daniel POV

I don't know why, but something doesn't feel right.

The way she spoke and hugged us, it was like she was saying goodbye.

'Okay guys, good work! 15 minute break!' Our manager David spoke.

I grabbed a water bottle and checked my phone.

'This is grazy. We're out here recording out first ever EP.' jack spoke.

I looked up at him and smiled.

The 15 minutes were almost over when the door opened and Aspen walked in.

'Hey, princess, what are you doing here?' David spoke and kissed his daughters forehead.

'Aspen? You're supposed to be home with Tessa.' Corbyn said and had a confused expression on his face.

'I uhm- I..' Aspen tried to speak while her voice was cracking.

'Sweetheart what's going on?' Dave said.

Aspen immediately broke down in tears.

'She's gone. She's grazy.' She cried in her Dad's arms.

She as in Tessa, I thought.

'Woah hold on, you mean she as in Tessa?' Jonah spoke.

She nodded her head.

'What do you mean she's gone?' I said looking at her.

'I- i'm not sure... the only thing she told me was that she was gonna save her brother..' she said now calming down from the crying.

'Yeah of course she is gonna save her brother. We are all gonna save her brother. We promised that.' Zach spoke.

'No! You don't get it, she's saving her brother tonight. She's gone!' Aspen shouted.

So she was saying goodbye.

'WHAT?!' Jonah shouted.

I immediately grabbed my phone and searched her number.

'No Daniel stop! Don't call her!' Aspen said and took my phone out my hands.

'What do you mean not call her?! I need to stop her!' I shouted.

'HEY! Everyone calm down! Aspen what has she told you?' David said.

I had my hands in my hair and looked around the studio.

Corbyn and Zach sat on the couch with their heads in their hands, Jack sat against the wall freaking out while Jonah and I were walking back and forth in the studio.

'Earlier today Tessa called me. She said she had something important to say that only I could know. We went to Starbucks and she explained that she was saving her brother tonight. But in order to keep everyone safe she said she had to do a couple of things-' Aspen started.

'What kind of things?' Jack asked.

'I don't know she didn't say. She told me she had a plan and explained it. I needed to get you guys away tonight so she could sneak out. I was supposed to stay in the house untill she texted me. Once she texted me I needed to get you guys and go to the adress she sent me, but something went terribly wrong..' she explained and had tears in her eyes again.

'Oh my god.' Zach said and took a deep breath.

'What?' I said and looked at him.

'He has her.. LUKE HAS TESSA!' He screamed and kicked the chair.

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