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'I need answers, please' I said softly

The boys all looked at eachother.

'Okay we will give you them, but please come sit on the couch. It's way too cold against the glass' The one with the pretty blue eyes said.

'No i'm good, the only thing what I want right now is answers.' I said.

See I still have no idea who these guys are and I still don't trust them.

The boys all placed themselves on the couch and looked at me.

'What do you wanna know?' The one with the curls said.

'Who are you?' I said and looked at him.

'I'm Jack, that's Daniel, Zach, Corbyn and Jonah.' Jack said as he each pointed out the guys.

'Why am I here? Why did you take me?' I said and I felt a tear streaming down my face.

The boys looked at eachother again and stayed silent.

'Please... please tell me.' I cried.

I shivered, Daniel wasn't lying when he said it was cold against the glass.

Zach saw I shivered and took off his hoodie and slowly walked to me.

'You're cold. Please take my hoodie and come sit on the couch.' He said and reached out his hoodie.

I looked at him with fear.

'Please, i'm not gonna hurt you, I promise! We're all not gonna hurt you. Please come sit on the couch.' Zach said.

The way he said it was so honest and gentle.

Maybe he is right? Maybe they are not here too hurt me and should I give them a chance to explain.

I slowly took his hoodie and put it on.

It was wat too big for me, but it was really nice and warm so I didn't complain.

'That's better. Now please come sit on the couch.' Zach said while reaching out his hand.

I slowly took his hand.

'Wow you're really cold.' He said as he felt my hand touch his.

'Sorry' I said quietly.

'No hey don't say sorry! I'll make you a warm cup of tea.' Corbyn said and walked to the kitchen.

Zach slowly guided me to the couch and I sat infront of the boys.

'Why am I here?' I asked again.

Jonah looked at Daniel and spoke.

'We can't tell you just yet. We have to know that they are gone first. I know you have a thousands question and we will answer them when we can, but for now the most important thing for you to know is that you're safe here and they won't find you here.' Jonah explained.

'What do you mean they? Who is they?' I said and looked at them.

'Their is bad people in this world Tessa. We aren't gonna let them get to you.' Jack explained.

Great so i'm in a house i don't know with 5 guys I don't know and their is bad people after me, life is great.

'Well your life is still gonna be pretty great, I promise. Just not for now.' Corbyn said coming back from the kitchen.

'How did yo- I was thinking out loud, didn't I?'

'Yeah' corbyn said with a little smile.

He handed me a warm cup of tea and I gave him a quick smile.

'Thank you' I said and warmed my hands to the cup.

Maybe zach was right.

Maybe they aren't gonna hurt me.

Maybe I am safe here.

'Why you guys?' I asked looking at them. 

'What do you mean?' Jack said and looked at me.

'Why did you guys take me? Who told you to?' I asked and looked back at him.

'No one told us to. We got messaged that the bad people are around the area and we immediately thought of you. We needed to get you safe as soon as possible.' Zach tried to explain.

'Look i know you have so many questions and you want and need answers, but until we know it's safe we aren't sure we can tell you a lot. Your gonna have to trust us, please.' Daniel said.

'I want to trust you, I do. But I need time.' I said and looked at Daniel.

'I understand that. We will give you time.' He replied and gave me a little smile.

I finished my tea.

'Uhm.. I'm really tired.' I said softly looking to my hands.

'Yeah you must be. That's the drug' Jonah said.

'Yeah, sorry bout that. Otherwise we could've never taken you' Corbyn said.

'It's okay.' I said softly.

Jack stood up and reached me his hand.

'C'mon i'll show you where you can sleep.' He said gently.

I waited a couple seconds before I took his hand.

'Goodnight' I softly said to the other 4 lads and then followed Jack upstairs.

We walked into the same room as where I ran out of earlier.

'This is Daniel's and mine room. You can take the bed. Daniel and I will take the couches.' Jack said.

I was still wearing Zach's hoodie so I decided to keep it on.

'There's the bathroom. You can change there. I'll wait here.' He said and pointed to the bathroom.

I walked inside the bathroom and took of the sports legging I was still wearing.

Zach's hoodie was quite long so it fell over my bum and stopped half way trough my upper leg.

I walked out and saw Jack on his phone.

'I'll let you be alone now.' Jack said while walking to the door.

I climbed in the bed and got under the sheets.

'Wait.. Jack..' i said and looked at him.

He turned around and faced me again.

'Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?' I asked softly.

'Yeah, always' he said and placed himself in the chair again.

I closed my eyes and it wasn't long untill i fell asleep.

'Goodnight princess.' Was the last thing I heard and the door closed.

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