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It's been 2 days and I still haven't figured out anything.

The boys told me everything they knew and we visited the place were the boys saw the bad guys last time.

Turned out nothing was there.

It's currently 04.00 and i've been up all night trying to figure things out.

Every thought, every suspicion and every word the boys said.

They kept going in my mind all night.

George and Blake stayed in a hotel with my dad and were trying to help me with the research.

The why don't we boys kept working on their music and I tried to keep them out of this as much as possible.

My thinking was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I picked it up and the name that appeared in the screen made my heart beat faster.


I picked up the phone quickly.

'Reece is that you?!' I said with panic in my voice.

'Of course not sweetheart.' A male voice spoke.

I recognized that voice, I just don't know where from.

'Who is this and where is my brother?'

'That is for me to know and for you to question, princess.' He spoke laughing.

'Don't call me princess, what do you want?!' I said with tears in my eyes.

'I know where you are Tessa. I also know that Jonah, Jack, Daniel, Corbyn and Zach told you everything. I'm not so happy with that. Another thing that I know is where you're beautiful mom and little sister are. You don't wanna fail them, like you failed you're brother do you?'

'Don't you dare touch my family! I will find you and I will kill you without regret! Where is my brother?!' I screamed into the phone with tears streaming down my face.

'I want you Tessa.' He spoke

'Wh- what do you mean?' I asked whispering.

I was now walking back and front in my room.

'I want all of you.' He said.

'W..will you leave everyone alone, if I give myself to you?' I whispered with tears streaming down my face.

'I promise you that. I'll let your brother go and everyone will life happily ever after.' He said.

The way he spoke, I knew he had a smirk on his face.

'Except for me.' I whispered.

'What was that?'

'N..nothing, send me the location where I need to be tonight. I'll be there alone, and you will bring my brother..' i spoke slowly.

'I'll see you tonight princess. I can't wait for you to be mine. Just you. If you bring anyone, you're gonna regret it.'

'But I need someone to take my brother. My dad.. I will let him wait in the car around the corner..'


'Please..' i cried.

'Deal.' He said and hang up the phone.

I threw my phone on my bed and let myself slip down the wall.

'NOOO!' I cried.

Daniel POV//

I was awoken from my peaceful sleep by a scream.



'Jack! Wake up!' I said and walked out of the room and ran to the end of the hall to open Tessa's door.

She was sat to the wall with tears streaming down her face.

'Tessa! Hey!' I said and kneeled down in front of her.

'What's going on?' Jack said running in.

He kneeled down next to me.

'Tessa look at me.' I said and placed my hands on her face.

'What happend?' Jack asked her and grabbed her hands.

She said nothing and just wrapped her arms around mine and jack's neck.

We both wrapped our hands around her and just held her tight.

We stayed like that for a while untill she calmed down.

'I'm sorry.. i just had a real bad nightmare..' she spoke in my neck.

Wow that nightmare must've been real bad if you freak out like that.

'It's okay princess. You're safe here. We're here now.' Jack said and kissed her forehead.

She let go of me and jack and looked at us.

'Thank you.. for everything.'

I smiled at her.

'Don't say thank you. You don't have to.'

Jack and I helped Tessa stand up.

We were about to go back to bed before she stopped us.

'W..wait.. can I stay with you?' She asked softly.

'Yeah of course.' We both said and took her to our bedroom.

She got in the middle and put her head on my chest while holding onto jack's hand.

'Goodnight jack, goodnight Daniel.' She said, taking a deep breath and closed her eyes.

'Goodnight' Jack and I said.

Little did we know that this was going to be the last night we were gonna sleep peacefully for a while.

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