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Let me give you an insight on how my date with Daniel Seavey went.

I had no idea where daniel was taking me.

The nice thing was, that there was no negative tension.

During the car drive there was just a chilled vibe.

'We're here.' Daniel spoke as he stopped the car.

The most beautiful restaurant ever.

'Oh my god. You didn't have to do that.' I said.

'Well the least thing you deserve after everything is a good meal.' He said with a smile.

I smiled back at him.

He got out of the car and then helped me get out.

'Such a gentleman.' I said.

'I try.' He said smirking.

We walked to the restaurant and then got to our reserved table.

Daniel and I took place and ordered our drinks.

'It's weird. Being somewhere where the rest of the boys aren't.' I spoke to him.

'I know, i'm like with them 24/7. It get's annoying sometimes.' He said.

I laughed.

'So tell me, who is Daniel Seavey. Where did you grow up?' I asked him with a sweet smile.

'I grew up in Portland, Oregon. I have 3 siblings. Tyler and Chris are my older brothers and then Anna who is my younger sister. My mom Keri and my dad Jeff. You will love my mom and sister, they are both just like you.' He replied.

'I'd love to meet them.' I said.

He smiled at me and then the waiter came and brought our drinks and took our order.

'I already know a lot about you, since you know..' he said softly.

'I know.' I replied.

Chris told them all about me and my family, cause he was so obsessed with me.

'Hey.' I said and grabbed his hand.

'It's okay.' I whispered.

He kissed my hand.

'Are you planning on getting back to dancing?' He asked me sweetly.

I smiled when I thought of dancing.

'Definitely. I've been dancing since I was 4. Nothing's ever gonna keep me from doing the thing I love.' I said to him.

'You must be pretty good then.' He said.

'I guess I am.' I said.

'So Why Don't We. How does it feel?' I asked him smiling.

'It's the best decision i've ever made in my life.' He said smiling.

'The boys are my brothers and I can finally make my dream come true.' He said.

I smiled at him.

'One day you're gonna play MSG, trust me. And then i'll be front line screaming from the top of my lungs.' I said smiling at him. (Brb crying cause they actually played MSG. Proud momma over here)

'Well I don't know about that first thing, but it be a blessing if you'd stick around with me for so long.' He said.

I blushed.

Our food was served.

I took a bite and closed my eyes.

'I'm assuming it's good.' Daniel said laughing.

I laughed.

'You have no idea how much i've missed good food. Thank you for taking me here.' I said to him.

'Anywhere I go I'm taking you.' He said smirking.

'Wow, okay that was good.' I said laughing.

We finished our dinner and then Daniel took me to the beach.

We were walking around talking about all sorts of stuff.

It was nice.

'Do you mind if we sit for a moment? My legs are still quite weak..' i asked him.

'Yeah of course.' He said and we walked to a bench.

I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

'You okay?' He asked stroking my arm.

'Yeah, just admiring the sounds I'm hearing. It's peaceful.' I said looking in front of me.

'Can I tell you a secret?' He asked me.

I folded my legs and turned to him.

'Always.' I whispered to him.

'Close you're eyes.' He said.

I closed my eyes.

Daniel moved my hair from my face and placed his hand on my cheek and whispered in my ear.

'You're the most gorgeous girl i've ever met and I have been wanting to do this for a while.' He said and placed his soft lips on mine.

It was a sweet and gentle kiss.

He slowly leaned back and I opened my eyes.

'I know you said you wanted to take things slow and that's exactly what we are gonna do. No rushing. We'll wait until you're ready to do this.' He said while stroking my cheeks.

At this moment I forgot about everything and only saw Daniel Seavey and how special he made me feel.

'Daniel James Seavey, you drive me grazy.' I whispered leaning my forehead against him.

'It's gonna be hard in the beginning but I trust you. I know you will take care of me. I'm ready to do this, with you.' I said and stroked his face.

He smiled at me.

I didn't hesitate and kissed him passionately.

He held me close to him and kissed me back.

We slowly let go and leaned our foreheads to eachother.

We smiled.

'I can already hear Zach and Jack scream that their ship finally sailed.' Daniel said laughing.

I laughed to.

'Will you take me home?' I asked him still holding his hands.

'Always.' He said and helped me get up.

We walked hand in hand to the car and we drove home.

Daniel slowly opened the front door.

We walked in and I saw all 4 boys and Aspen smirking on the couch.

'Oh shut it.' I said and jumped on them.

The rest of the night was a lot of laughter and finally we all crashed in the living room.


Hey guys! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the votes and reads! Y'all are lovely :)

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