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GET READY! THIS IS AN EMOTIONAL ONE! I APOLOGIZE ON BEHALF OF YOU'RE EMOTIONS, ENJOY! (Btw, let's appreciate that beautiful pic of my mans)
Tessa POV

'Day 3' I whispered softly.

Today was my 3rd day here.

Meaning that if plan B succeeded, today i'm supposed to get out of here.

My body is in absolute agony.

Luke and his friend beat me up all day.

They tried to talk to me and be sweet, kind and loving today.

Never ever was I going to be nice to them.

So they just beated me up.

After what happened yesterday I will never ever be able to be nice to them again.

I've never hated people so much in my life.

So here I am again, in the corner of the small, disgusting room, hoping that I will be saved out of here.

I had no urge to eat today.

I feel absolutely disgusting.

I was interrupted with my thoughts when the door swung open.

'TESSA!' I heard a male voice.

I closed my eyes and cried, i was so scared.

I heard footsteps come near me and someone bow down to me.

'Jesus, what did he do to you..'

'Please don't hurt me' I whispered.

'Never. Tessa, it's okay, it's me.'


I slowly opened my eyes and locked eyes with my brother.

'R-Reece' i cried.

'Shh, it's okay. We're getting you out of here.' He said and took me in his arms.

I held onto him and cried in his chest.

'Reece, did you find.. oh my god..' George's familiar voice spoke.

He bowed down to me and Reece and looked at me.

'Tessa..' he whispered.

I didn't reply and just threw myself in his arms and cried.

'Tessa listen to my closely, okay? We're all here. We need to leave now.' Reece said and pulled me up.

I was very weak and could barely stand.

Reece looked at my with hurt and anger in his eyes.

'I'm going to kill that son of a bitch.' Reece said angry.

'Reece! We all want to kill him, but we need to get Tessa out of here first!' George said and held onto me.

I intertwined my hand with George's.

'I know, C'mon!' Reece said and walked to the door.

George and I followed him and we walked out of the room.

I could hear al lot of screaming and shouting.

'What's happening?' I shouted trough the noise and looked up at George.

'Plan B' he said and pulled me with him.

We ran trough a couple of halls and eventually ended up outside.

'Okay listen.' Reece said and grabbed my face.

'Go around the corner and get in the van. We'll meet you there.' He said and kissed my forehead.

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