4 (+ NHC)

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It's been a week.

I've been in this house for a week and still know nothing.

The boys didn't want to give me answers.

So I'm not gonna trust them unless they do something for it.

Oh yeah, they took my phone.

But i'm done letting them control me.

I'm gonna get my phone and get outta here.

All the boys were outside, so I took my opportunity.

I walked into Zach's, Corbyn's and Jonah's room.

I saw them hid my phone in the closet and so I knew where to find it.

I grabbed it and looked at the battery, 50%

Guess we'll have to do it with that.

I walked downstairs and Corbyn and Daniel were in the kitchen.

Dang it.

'Hey we couldn't find you, where were you?' Corbyn asked.

'Uhm I was really tired so went to lie down for a bit' I said nervous.

'Why you soundig so nervous? What's going on?' Daniel said and took a step closer.

The frontdoor got opened by Jonah.

Run, now.

And so I did.

I ran past Jonah and ran as fast as I could.

I heard the boys behind me but I didn't care.

I ran as fast as I could.

I ran into a cafe and didn't see the boys.

I ran to the toilet and locked the door.

I grabbed my phone and looked at all the messages.

From Jackson:
Yoo bitch, enjoyed the party?


Okay you missed practice today and you never do. Where the hell are ya?

Imma call the police.

I'll text him in a second.

I saw I had a message from my brother, Reece.

'I'm so sorry.'

'Whatever they say, don't trust them.

'I love you little sis'

'Their gonna take you. Don't listen to them! I'm gonna be fine and i'll come back to you.'


What the hell?!

I panicked and had tears streaming down my face.

'Oh my god' i said softly and tried to find George in my contacts.

The phone rang until someone picked up.

'Oh my god Tessa is that you?' I heard George's familiar voice.

'George oh my god! I got all these texts from Reece and their freaking me out. What the hell is going on?' I cried.

'First I need to know where you are!' George said.

'I don't know honestly. I'm currently sat in a toilet in a cafe in LA. I ran George, as fast as I could. When the took me I had no idea what was happening and I was so scared. They don't wanna tell me anything so I ran' I cried.

'BLAKE GET IN HERE!' I heard George shout from the phone.

'George please come safe me.' I cried.

'I know! I will! But I first need to know who took you, do you know who they are?' He asked.

'Their names are Jack, Jonah, Zach, Daniel & Corbyn' I said.

'Okay wait. Those are not the same guys that took reece.' I heard blake's voice.

Wait what?!

'SHUT UP!' I heard george yell to Blake.

'What do you mean that took Reece?!' I cried.


'BOYS PLEASE! I need answers! Please!' I kept on crying.

'Listen we're gonna fly to LA tonight. In 2 days meet us in La okay? I promise We're gonna find you and get you outta there!' Blake spoke.

'I'll explain everything there! I promise! We love you!' George spoke and then quickly hung up the phone.

'NO WAIT!.. Don't hang up! George, Blake?' Cried.

I looked at my phone.

20 %, shit.

I had an text unknown number.

I opened it.

Don't trust them Tess! Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jonah are playing a game with you. They say that there are bad guys but THEY are the bad guys! Trust me! Get them to talk and then come find me, I love you and i'll see you soon! - Reece

'Oh my god...' I cried.

I heard people coming into the bathroom.

And before I knew my door got opened.

'Give me your phone'

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