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Last night way a heavy night.

After everything we talked and talked.

We didn't go to bed till 04.00

I woke up this morning with a massive headache from all the crying.

I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to get medicine.

Daniel and Jack were both still sleeping on the couch.

I smiled, it looked pretty cute.

I went into the kitchen and took medicine.

It's currently 10.30 and i'm pretty hungry.

I decided to make breakfast for the boys and myself.

I made waffles and pancakes.

Half an hour later everything was ready and I put in on the kitchen counter.

I walked inside the living room and slowly woke up daniel and jack.

'Daniel, wake up. I made breakfast and I don't want to eat it cold, so get up.' I said

He chuckled and turned to face me.

'Okay, mom' he said

'You wish' i said laughing and walked to Jack.

'Jack, I made breakfast. Wake up okay?' I said and slowly shook him.

He turned around with a smile.

'Hey how you come be nice to him and not me?' Daniel said with a hand on his heart.

I laughed and went upstairs to the other 3.

'Pretty faces, I made breakfast and it's getting cold. Please get out and come down with me.' I said and opened the curtains.

'Oh my heavens. I smell waffles.' Zach said and jumped out of bed.

'FOOOD' Corbyn followed Zach and they ran downstairs.

I laughed

'Kids.' Jonah said and laughed.

'This house is full of kids right now, you 2 marais.' I said laughing.

'Hey, i'm the oldest in this house right now. Shut up.' He said laughing and pushed me out of the room.

We walked into the kitchen and 4 pairs of eyes looked at me.

'Oh my lord, I didn't say you could start yet!' I said laughing and jumped on a chair.

'Well technically this is our house, so...' jack said.

'Shut it Noodles.' I said and placed a pancake on my plate.

We all laughed and finished our breakfast with great banter.

Daniel and I were cleaning the kitchen when he realized something and grabbed a package.

'Here, this is for you.' He said and handed me the package.

I looked at him strange and opened it.

It was a new IPhone.

'This way we are sure that they can't track you're phone.' Daniel explained.

I smiled and gave him a hug.

He was surprised at first but quickly wrapped his arms around me.

'I'm so worried about him Daniel.' I said softly.

He wrapped his arms around me tighter.

'I know. I know...' he said and just held me tight.

'We will find him right?' I said in his neck.

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