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'I'll see you on monday jackson! Love you!' I shouted as I made my way outside the dance studio.

'Don't party your socks of babe, i'll be watching you' he shouted back laughing and blew me a kiss.

'I'll try my best.' I said laughing and blew him a kiss back.

I started my 15 minute journey walking back to my apartment.

I checked my phone and saw it was already 22.30 pm.

I was about to enter my house when a black van stopped in front of me. 

My heartbeat was racing and I was legit getting scared.

I tried to run inside as fast I could but 2 people grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth.

I saw 3 other humans step out of the van.

Everything happend so fast.

A tall figure put something on my mouth and I breathed it in.

I felt my whole body go weak in seconds and my eyes started to close.

The last thing I heard before everything went black was a male voice.

'We better not regret this.' And then he picked me up and put me in the van.


I opened my eyes and felt a huge pain in my head.

I looked around and found myself in a bedroom.

As I looked in the corner I saw a boy with curls in the corner sleeping on a chair.

I remember what happened and started panicking.

I have just been kidnapped and I need to get away from here as soon as possible.

I quietly stepped out of the bed and walked to the door.

I was about to open the door when I walked into a box on the ground.

It made a loud noise.

'Shit.' I whispered.

The boy in the corner opened his eyes and looked at me.

I had to get away from here right now.

I opened the door of the bedroom and ran downstairs as fast as I could.

'ZACH, CORBYN, DANIEL, JONAH! HELP ME NOW!' I heard the boy shout.

I was freaking out.

I was in a place I didn't know with apparently 5 guys that I didn't know either.

I looked around and saw the front door.

I was about to run to it, when a blonde haired guy stepped in front of it.

'Tessa listen to me okay?' He said.

WHAT THE HELL? How does he know my name.

I slowly backed up and I saw 4 more figures.

'WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY AM I HERE?' I cried while still backing up.

The tallest boy was now coming towards me.

'I will tell you everything but you first need to calm down okay?' He said trying to reach for me.

I started crying more.

'Jonah stop, you're scaring her.' The one that looked the youngest said.

Jonah didn't back up and just kept walking to me.

I was now pushed against the glass wall and closed my eyes still crying.

'JONAH STOP!' The one with the ocean blue eyes said.

He didn't stop.

I couldn't breath.

I began sweating and I couldn't control my breath.

I'm having a panic attack.

I felt my legs go weak and before i hit the ground i fell into Jonah's arms.

'Shh listen to me, you're having a panic attack. I need you to take slow breaths in and out for me.' Jonah said trying to calm me down.

I tried to breathe in and out as slow as I could.

Jonah pushed me against his chest and for a couple of seconds I didn't care.

My breathing got back to normal and my panic attack was gone.

I slowly backed away from Jonah again and placed myself against the wall.

I looked at the 5 boys in front of me.

'I need answers, please' I said softly.

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