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'Tessa help!' Jonah said laughing and wrapped his arms around my waist hiding behind me.

I flinched of the bruises.

'Shit sorry.' He said.

I smiled.

'It's fine Jo.' I said and placed his arms back around my waist.

'NOO LET GO OF MY MAN!' Jack yelled to Corbyn and Daniel who tackled Zach to the ground.

I laughed.

'You guys are such idiots.' I said laughing.

'Yeah but you love us.' Jonah said smiling.

'I do.' I said and kissed his cheek.

'Wait, for real?' Jonah said standing in front of me.

'Huh?' I asked weirdly.

'You just said you loved us for the first time..' he said and now all the boys looked up.

Dang, I didn't realize that.

But I do.

I love them

'Yeah I do. I love you guys... I don't know what would've happened if you guys didn't appear in my life..' I said to them.

Jonah wrapped his arms around me from the back.

'Well we're so lucky that you came in our life.' He said.

I put my hands on his hands.

'You're quite special you know.' Zach said.

'Okay stop before i'm gonna cry again, grouphug?' I said with a smile.

Soon all arms were wrapped around me.

The rest of the day went by pretty chill.

I was laying on my bed with my little sister and my mom when I got a text.

From: Daniel :)
Be ready at 18.30
Don't be to fancy, just you. Cause you're already so pretty when you're you. Tonight is you're night. I'll see you downstairs :)

'Tessa has a boyfriend!' Lexi yelled smiling and jumped on my bed

'I do not.' I said back smiling.

'Yet.' She said.

I tackled her down and started tickling her.

'O-Okay, s-sorry.' She said laughing.

I kissed her cheeks and let her go.

'He's quite special huh?' My mom said smiling.

'Yeah. I've never like.. felt this before.' I said to her.

She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

'My babygirl.' She said.

'I love you mom.'

'I love you more baby.'

'Hey, what about me?' Lexi said.

'Ew no, i hate u' i said smiling.

'I love you to.' She said smiling.

We hugged.

'Will you help me choose my clothes?' I asked her.

'Yes!' She said and ran to my closet.

My mom and I laughed and then I went to get ready.

I walked out of my closet wearing this

I walked out of my closet wearing this

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'My baby girl, you look gorgeous.' My mom said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and did my hair and makeup.

After that I grabbed my phone.


Let's go downstairs, I thought to myself.

I put on my white converse and walked down the stairs.

I slowly walked in the living room where I was met with 4 boys and my parents.

'Oh my.. you look' jack started

'Amazing.' Zach finished him.

'Absolutely..' Corbyn started

'Gorgeous.' Jonah finished him.

'Thanks guys.' I said with a smile.

'Where's daniel?' I asked

'Probably doing his hair..' corbyn said.

All the boys laughed.

'Zach did you use my hairgel aga-' daniel said walking in the room but stopped when I turned to him.

'Hi.' I said to him with a smile.

'You look so beautiful' he said to me.

I smiled at him.

'Thanks. You don't look bad yourself.' I said to him as I looked at his outfit.

'Okay how cute this may be, my dad heart is not completely ready for this

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'Okay how cute this may be, my dad heart is not completely ready for this.' My dad said.

I walked to him and kissed his cheek.

'I love you dad.'

'I'm gonna keep her safe Mr. Bibby, you have my word.' Daniel said shaking my dad's hand.

'You better.' He said.

'Ready to go?' Daniel asked me with a smile.

'Definitely.' I replied.

'Bye guys.' We both said to the boys and walked to the frontdoor.

'Wait!' Lexi yelled and ran to us.

'Bring me back a milkshake?' She asked Daniel.

'Lexi!' My mom said laughing.

Everyone laughed.

'Sure.' Daniel said smiling.

She smiled and than walked to the boys.

Jonah picked her up.

I smiled at him and mouthed a thanks.

He smiled back.

I looked back at daniel.

'You ready?' He whispered to me.

I nodded my head and then we slowly walked out of the door.

Off to a night that changed my life.

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