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"Babe?" I called out, I decided to visit Jason's place as he wasn't answering me, it may seem like he can't go anywhere without me but that isn't the case.

He always texts me when he finishes football training.

I walked up to his house, knocking on the door waiting for someone to open it – either his mom or him. "Jason?" I knocked again, but the house was too quiet.

I tried to open the door, and it was open? No one leaves the door unlocked not even Jason.

I walked through, still having that silence eating me up. I gulped wondering whether this was a good idea or not.

I walked up the stairs placing my hand on the railing dragging it along, feeling the smoothness of the wood, breathing in and out – smelling something fruity, when did Jason ever get a fruity aftershave? Did he spray his moms?

My heart was thumping so loud that it was literally knocking at my ribs. I swallowed saliva which sat on top of my tongue.

As I reached the top the air felt different. I furrowed my brows, walking to Jason's room – keeping at a slow pace. As I got closer I heard multiple voices.

Getting closer to the door – my hands were getting clammy, sweat beads forming upon my forehead, my heart changing rate of which it pumps at.

There I stood in front of his door, gulping I walked in only to stop covering my mouth. Tears already forming. "Ja-Jason?" I croaked out. He gasped "Ba-baby what you are doing here?"

I turned my attention to the blonde – Liv Marshall, my best friend.

"Ho-how could you?" She raised a brow and smirked "Oh come on Ruby, did you really think Jason was interested in you? Be realistic, you are a nobody compared him."

A piece of my heart broke, "Lo-look baby I was going to tell you-" I cut him off, "Tell me what Jason? That you are a lying, cheating scumbag, then don't worry I think I got the idea." I let a few rebel tears fall.

I walked away, running down the stairs thinking of every memory I had in this house – hearing someone come after me. As I reached the door, someone grabbed me "Babe listen." I snatched myself out of his grip.

"What? What could possibly say that would change everything?" He flinched from my sudden outburst.

"Look, everything that we had was fun, but it was a bet – to make you fall for me. I wanted to do it, as it seemed like a joke at first but then when you said those three words, I instantly felt guilty." I scoffed, "A bet? So that was what I was to you, a stupid game?" My voice cracked.

Feeling another piece of my heart break away.

He was about to open his mouth, but I stopped him "Save it Jason. I hate you!" I ran outside, hot tears streaming down my face. I didn't look back, nor did I want too.

I ran as fast as I could to get home, and when I did I went straight to my bedroom and cried.

I woke up, gasping for air. Having that replay in my head repeatedly wasn't something I enjoyed. That day I cried for hours – but it felt more like I cried for weeks on end.

It had almost been a month since that and let's just say everything has gone to downhill.

Liv made sure everyone knew what happened, yet no one teased me about it. However, no one asked to see if I was alright either.

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