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I was currently in AP science more specifically biology, until the door went. A rather small figure waltz into the room, Alex Knight.

"Mrs, I need Ruby Jenson to come to the principal's office." Mrs. Barnely nodded, I started to pack my things only to hear a few "Ooo's" and whispers, "God I hope they expel her."

I turned around to see Olivia smiling and waving at me. I rolled my eyes and walked out, "So do you know why the principal needs me Alex?"

He looked at me and looked back down, "Really?" I huffed and carried on walking. I walked past a few lessons and catching a few eye with a couple of other students and lastly, I caught eyes with those famous emerald eyes; Lucas.

However, he didn't seem too pleased, to see me? I furrowed my brows and carried on walking to the principal's office.

I sighed as I stopped in front of his office, knocking on the big wooden door which stood before me.

After knocking I heard a faint, "Come in." In which I followed, "Ah, Miss. Jenson thank you for coming. Take a seat." He put his hand in the direction of the seat in front of him.

As I sat down, I almost jumped out of my skin as he was staring at me, like a hawk watching its prey.

"Why am I exactly here?" He cleared his throat, "Now Miss. Jenson, I don't normally take these things lightly, but there have been a few accusations that do involve you-"

"What accusations?" I interrupted him. He glared at me, "Sorry."

"As I was saying, these accusations are very serve and need to be dealt with-" He pulled out a few sheets of paper. "- It has come to my attention that you have been sending out death threats to another student here."

"WHAT!" I furrowed my brows, "Who?"

"Olivia Marshall." I laughed, "You've got to be kidding me, right? You can't believe that surly, Ruby Jenson, shy and hides away from everyone, an anti-social freak, could possibly make a threat!"

He shook his head, "Well Miss. Jenson, I have physical evidence." He picked up the sheets of paper, in which I snatched. Reading through them, "I couldn't have wrote these, this isn't even my hand writing!" He sighed, "I'm sorry Miss. Jenson, but I will need to expel you."

"No! no, you can't."

"Oh, and you will be taken off prom." My mouth flew open, "What?" I croaked out.

"You may leave now." He dismissed me. I can't believe this, why would Olivia do this? I felt the tears wield up in my eyes, a familiar stinging sensation rushed through me.

Reaching my locker, I broke in tears. Grabbing my things, I left.


Rushing back to Lia's home or should I say our home, I ran straight upstairs and luckily for me Mrs. Layton wasn't home, running into my room and collapsing on the bed in tears.

I just don't understand why Olivia would do something like this? She knows that prom is the most important event to me since we were little kids and now she has ruined it all.

My eyes were becoming heavy due to the amount of crying I had done. Rubbing them, I heard the front door open, scrunching up my nose I looked at my phone to look at the time; 10:45 am. Lia shouldn't be home.

Slowly I got off the bed and carefully opened the door, trying to keep noise as minimal as possible.

Creepying out, I whacked my big toe on the corner of the door frame, hissing out in pain "Mother fucker!" I screamed quietly.

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