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Hellooo beauties,

I wanted to apologise for such a late update I was busy, and I couldn't even remember the last time I was on Wattpad, as well as Wattpad has had a few problems but hopefully the updates should be more consistent from now on.

Thank you for your patience.

- Athena xoxo

Also, Don't forget to Vote and Comment letting me know what you think!


It is now Tuesday and I'm sitting in science, I fully hate it. Why would I need the periodic table? Someone please explain to me as I would love to know.

"Psst! Jenson, what is the answer?" I turned my attention to Jake – the school's biggest idiot, and fuckboy. I think he may be worst than Lucas. Pfft who am I kidding no one can beat Lucas.

I raised a brow, "And you can't listen to the teacher because?" He pouted, "Come on Jenson, please?" I shook my head, ignoring the rest.

"Bitch." He mumbled. I scoffed, almost laughing. Idiot.                         

"Well class, I think that is it for today. We have 5 minutes left, so just sit there for a while until the bell rings." Everyone sighed in content – including me.

"So, we have 5 minutes, want to hear something?" I shook my head, "Well too bad I'm going to tell you anyway – I know the whole shebang with you and Jason." As soon as Jake said that my heart fell.

"Wh-what?" I blinked multiple times to stop the tears, "You heard me, I know everything, and I mean I would love to play games with you too." A gasp left my mouth, so I turned to him and brought my hand back slapping him.

The contact of skin could be heard at the back of the classroom, everyone turned their attention to us. He held his cheek, "You bitch! What is your problem?"

"M-my problem is you." I couldn't hold back the tears – I ran out the classroom, wanting to hide forever. I held onto my bag, whilst trying to see where I was going but it was no use considering my eyes were blurred.

My mind was elsewhere as I headed down the hall.

That is, until after I crashed into some student. My worn-out bag fell from my hands, landing in front of a tall figure wearing dirty, leather boots. I followed their length from bottom to top to encounter a face I did not recognise.

"So-sorry." I mumbled, picking myself up. "It's okay." I noticed a girl fairly the same height as me with blond hair, which curled round. "Here let me help." She helped me up, "Thank you."

"Well bye." With that I stormed off, "Wait!" She came running after me, "Could you help me?" I stopped, and furrowed my brows "Why would you want my help?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Is this girl feeling alright? "Are you new?" She nodded, well that explains why.

"Never mind, what do you need?" She got out her timetable, "Err... Could you help me find locker 247 please?" I nodded, her locker is next to mine.

"Just follow me, also your locker is next to mine, so if you ever get lost find me and then we can go together." She smiled, a genuine smile.

"Sure, also I never got your name – I'm Aaliyah but people call me Lia." I smiled, "I'm Ruby, but mainly people call me Jenson or Just plain old Ruby." She smiled and then frowned.

"Are you called Ruby because of your hair?" I nodded and laughed at the stupid little joke, "But then why Jenson?" Ah!

"Well that's my last name, people just like shouting out my last name." I shrugged, "Well here is your locker, like I said if you ever need something come and find me or don't what ever suits you." I shrugged.

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