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Currently Ruby was sitting in History, boredom dripping out of her voice as she answered a couple of questions. She had rested her head on her hand, sighing feeling pin and needles arrive up her hand every now and then. Thus. repeating her actions every five minutes; her eyes always found their way to the clock - but she knew every time she looked back, the time wouldn't go any faster.

"So, why did you think Eva did what she did for Hitler?" They were learning about Hitler's love life - how ironic.

Who knew he could even have one.

Ruby automatically raised her hand knowing she would be picked, "I believe she did this because she had loved him - however she wasn't in love with him. Eva simply loves the idea of it, only she was blinded by love, and I'm pretty sure the man who she was destined to love was heartbroken." But she didn't stop there.

"You see Mrs - Eva was blinded by love and she never saw the true monster Hitler was, and because of that millions of people died. I mean dammit, he had an affair and portrayed his love to another! It just wasn't fair." By the time Ruby was finished Mrs. Kindle was shocked as well as the class.

No one dared to say a thing, apart from one individual - Lucas. "Yes, as that all well be true. Hitler did show his love to Eva - just... more privately." She obnoxiously laughed, "Exactly my point - he was ashamed of her!" Ruby turned to face him.

Anger was clearly written over his face, "It was clear he was ashamed as he had to go on dates with other women!"

"That probably wasn't even his choice!" Lucas bit back.

During the heated argument between these two, they both knew individually that this argument wasn't simply about Hitler and Eva - it was about Lucas and Ruby.



After that History lesson, I have never felt so angry in my whole entire life. The fact that he has the audacity to even speak to me! I waited by my locker for Lia and Cameron, who seemed to be taking their time.

I looked down at my watch, to see that ten minutes have past and yet still nothing. I sighed, almost giving up and heading to break when I heard someone shout my name, "Ruby!"

I turned to see a happy Lia and a typical grumpy Cameron, I smiled "Why so late?" I raised a brow, "Man, this is why I hate geography!"

"I second that." Cam joined in, "But that still doesn't answer why you two were so late?"

"Mr. Jones kept us behind to talk about homework and if we don't hand it in or even bother to try and do it, we don't get to go on a trip in the near future." I rolled my eyes, "I don't like him."

"Yeah, we know." I sighed out, inverting a laugh into it as well. Cam came by my side kissing my forehead, "So how was History baby?"

I wanted to vomit at the thought of history, "Not pleasant." Both him and Lia furrowed their brows, "Why?"

"Lucas." I grumbled, "We were discussing Hitler and Eva's relationship and how it was doomed from the start, but conveniently he had to get involved and it turned into a stupid argument." Cam just nodded, knowing I didn't want to go on about it, whereas Lia mouthed something to me 'Explain to me later!'

I was confused at first but nodded. As we walked into the canteen Lia pulled me away, "he-" But she interrupted me. "Cameron could you find us a table and we will meet you - we just need to get some food." She smiled innocently, and he nodded.

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