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We were all sitting in the limo, which Lucas rented for the night, both Lia and Lucas were enjoying the night – I mean even David was. Oh, I forgot to mention David from AV club did actually ask Lia out and well he was too scared to come to her door, so instead he stayed in the limo.

"Hey, Ruby do you want something to drink?" Lia held up a bottle of champagne and a glass, I shook my head carrying on looking out of the window. "Hey, what's up?" Lucas came closer.

I sighed, "Nothing, I promise." This caused him to sigh, "Red, I'm not stupid. There is something wrong, what is it?" I licked my lips, "It is my mom."

"What about your mom?" I turned my attention fully onto Lucas' face, "She's dead." With that I looked back out the window, resting my arm on the side and having my head rest on my hand which was upright. He didn't say anything, which I was thankful for. I wanted this night to be done with.

A few minutes later.

We finally arrived at hell – wait, I mean high school. I never seen so many students so... dressed up? Like, I understand that this is normal for people like Olivia, Lucy... Etc, but for others this is a whole new thing. Everyone looked different, but in a good way.

"You guys ready?" I took a deep breath in and nodded, "Alright, let's do this one last time." With that Lucas got out first, putting his arm out for me to hold, "Thank you." I smiled, "You're welcome Red."

Next Lia and David followed along. "I can't believe this is happening." I turned my attention is Lia, who stood next to me, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "At least we are here together – We are all here." I smiled and looked at Lucas, "Yeah, we are all here." He hesitantly smiled.

We started to walk into the building only to spot Olivia and Jason? I furrowed my brows, only she smirked, but that smirked soon changed to a flirtatious smile – I followed where her eyes were going, and they landed on Lucas. I looked at him, watching his face smile. I fluttered my eyes and bit my lip.

"I will see you all inside." I let go of Lucas' arm and walked away from, finding the urge to not shed a freaking tear. As I lightly tapped under my eye, I bumped into someone causing me to poke myself in the eye. "Argh!"

"Sorry Ruby." That voice? Why do I recognise that voice, I looked up to see Cameron. "Ca-Cameron?"

"The one and only." He didn't seem impressed. "What are you doing here?" I made sure to not put too much force on my face, trying to stop my eye from watering. "I'm here with Lucy."

"Oh, so you two are?"

"A couple. Yeah." I smiled, "I'm happy for you Cameron, I don't want to hate you." He smiled too, "I don't want to hate you either." I licked my lips and looked down, then back up at him. "I guess... I guess I'll see you around at some point."

"You sure will Jenson. You just won't see me coming." I smiled and shook my head at how weird he is. "See you." With that I walked into the hall, trudging over to a table by myself. As soon as I got there, I sunk into the chair – debating whether to leave or not.

"There you are." I made no effort to look up. "Ruby? What the hell?" I sighed, "Lia, not now please." She scoffed, "Oh, Ruby get over yourself. I am not here for a bloody pity party. It is prom for god sake. Lighten up!" I looked at her, shaking my head. "No, you're right, I guess I do need to lighten up."

I looked away quickly, unfortunately for Lia she doesn't know what I found out today. Composing myself I turned back round with smile, but it didn't last long. I saw Lucas walk in with Olivia, laughing and joking around with her.

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