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Lia and I drove in silence. She tapped the wheel, whilst I held my gaze out of the window. I heard her groan, "That's it. What the hell happened?"

I sighed, "Just don't worry about it Lia." She laughed, "Don't worry about it? Don't worry about it? Are you out of your freaking mind!" She screeched.

"Lia, please..." She sighed, "I'm sorry Ruby, not this time. Tell me what happened?" This time her voice was calmer.

I closed my eyes, "I'm probably over reacting, but on mine and Lucas' date he knew this waiter and when he introduced us to one another she immediately held a grimacing face. Like I have only just met the girl and she hates me."

"Oh! Oh and when she asked what we were, guess what he said?" I turned to her, "Go on guess." She shrugged, "He said we were friends. Friends!"

She raised a brow, "Are you done?" I furrowed my brows, "What? Why?"

"Good, look Ruby you probably were over reacting to this whole situation. However, I understand why you would be mad, but you need to remember who wanted this date to be asked out properly?" Guilt instantly rushed through me.

"I-I guess I didn't see it like that, it was just-"

"-Yeah it was just in the heat of the moment. I know." I sighed, "What have I done?"

"What you did was stupid! You acted irrationally without letting him explain I mean this why the boys leave the girls because they jump, don't do that. Don't jump." I nodded, "I know..."

"God I'm an idiot." I whispered, but I heard Lia mutter something, "What?"

"I said, no you're not an idiot, you are in love." My heart jumped at hearing that. "I'll take you back come on." With that she did a U-turn making our way back to Little Red.


We arrived and I hopped out as fast as I could, rushing inside. Panting I looked around to find that emerald eyed boy. To find the boy I fell in love with.

"Excuse me Miss, do you have a reservation?" I stopped, "Yes I'm here with Lucas King." He nodded allowing me through.

"Lucky?" I went to the booth we were at, but I heard sniffling?

"Lucky?" I whispered. I turned to the booth and what I saw broke my heart. I threw my hands up to my mouth feeling my eyes sting up. It seems the tears were making their way back out of my eyes.

A warm salty streak ran down my cheek, I blinked a couple of times.

Lucas was crying?

I removed my hands "Lucky?" He shot his head up, "Red?" His voice croaked. He got up suddenly grabbing a hold of me snuggling his head into my neck, "I am so sorry..." he sniffed.

"Hey! Hey, don't be sorry." I placed both hands on either side of his cheeks, staring into his eyes whilst his hands rested on my hips.

"I overreacted. I should have listened to you Lucas, but I didn't." I rested my forehead onto his.

"Lucas, will you be my boyfriend?" He moved back, confusion ran over his face, but immediately turned into a smile.

"Yes, yes of course Red." He squeezed me causing me to squeak out in shock, but I returned the hug too.

A round of applause and 'awes' where thrown our way, I looked around to see everyone in the restaurant is staring right at us, I blushed instantly, hiding my face in Lucas's chest.

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