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I attempted to hold back a gasp, looking out at the large building of Bangtan High. "Y/N, Taehyung, relax, darlings. It's gonna be fine. It's only the first day; how can you conclude so much about this school already?"

"I know, Mom. I'm just nervous, that's all," I reply, hesitantly.

"I'm pretty sure you'll blend in and make some friends. Just give it a try!"

"Ugh, okay," Taehyung sighed as I opened the car door and slowly walk to the entrance of the school with my brother, being sure to wave my mother goodbye first.

We made our ways past the noisy hallways to the principal's office, where we were supposed to get our schedules. As soon as we got them, the bell rang and I trembled, not knowing where room 1604 was. "Argh, Taehyung, wait for me!" I pleaded.

"Y/N, I have to use the washroom. Just find your class without me, okay?" He said as he turned around.

I rolled my eyes. The hallways were silent as I slowly walked through them, probably because everyone else knew where they were going. Ehem...Taehyung. Great. Wonderful start at a new school. I thought to myself.

"Lost?" I heard a voice come from behind me and immediately turn around.

In front of me stood a boy about my age, and he was very attractive to say the least. But what was he doing outside of class? "Uh...yeah..." I mutter.

"You're new here, aren't you?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to me.

I nod in response, and then takes my schedule. "Alright, let's see here...1604," he mutters. "That isn't a long walk from here, actually."

"That doesn't help much, uh-"

"Jimin. Park Jimin." He says with a smirk.

"Ok then, Mr. Park Jimin. I don't know what you're doing out here, but you're walking with me to my classroom. It's my first day here and I don't want to make a fool out of myself." You snap.

"Jeez, Y/N. Fine, I'll walk with you." He says with a sigh.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I gasp.

"Duh, it's written on your schedule." I facepalm, and he laughs.

"Forget I said anything. Let's go," I sighed and waited for Jimin to go in front of me.

"Thanks," I thanked him as soon as we reached the classroom. I opened the doorknob slowly and felt a bunch of gazes move in my direction. Shit, I'm definitely late.

"Are you the new student?" An old man asks, standing up from his desk, and I nod. "Ah, you must have gotten lost, but since you're new here, no worries. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you all, and please take care of me." I say, bowing.

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N. I'm Mr. Kang, your biology teacher for this year." He says with a warm smile. "There's an empty seat next to Jennie over there, so why don't you sit there?"

I turn around and see a girl waving her hand. That must be Jennie, I thought. She seems nice.

I sit in the chair next to her, and she greets me with a smile as well. I guess eomma was right, after all.

When the bell rang, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look around, and see that it's Jennie. "Do you need help getting to any of your other classes?"

"That would be nice, thank you," I said back to her.

"No need to thank me. Gimme your schedule." She says, holding her hand out to take the piece of paper. "Ah, I know where that is. Follow me."

As we were walking down the hallway together, Jennie decided to break the ice. "So, Y/N, what do you think of Bangtan High so far?"

"Umm, I haven't really been here much to give you a detailed answer, but all I can say is that it's a labyrinth."

"You'll get used to it after a week or so. The way I did it my freshman year was by following the signs."

"Signs?" You ask.

"Look up."

I tilt my head up to notice that there was a giant sign hanging from the ceiling. I facepalmed myself and Jennie laughed. "Bruh," I muttered underneath my breath. "Why didn't Jimin tell me?"

"Jimin? As in Park Jimin?" Jennie asked me.

"Yeah, why? You two know each other?" I said, removing my hand from my face.

"Y/N, you still have a lot to learn."

"What do you mean?"

"Jimin, you see, is Bangtan High's playboy. Be sure not to fall in his trap."

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