Chapter 17

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I groaned as the gleaming rays of sunlight hit my pupils. Fortunately, I got some more sleep because of the reassuring fact that Jungkook was there to shoo away any intruder.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Coming!" Jennie shouted before opening our door. "Oh, Mr. Kang," she said, startled, making the awkwardness of the situation rise.

"Good morning, Jennie. I was just checking to see if anything happened," he said.

"U-uh, nothing happened as of now," she smiled. "Thank you for your concern."

"No problem. Be down for breakfast in about fifteen minutes."

"Got that," she replied before closing the door.

"Y/N, wake up!" Jennie exclaimed as she jumped on my bed and bear-hugged me. "We're going to Jeju Waterworld today!"

I only groaned in response. A water park did sound like a fun idea if I wasn't so damn tired.

"C'mon, it'll get your mind off of what's been happening recently. Now get your ass up because don't want to be late," she said as she grabbed my hand, dragging me off the bed.

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"Remember, take today to loosen up. You seriously need it," Jennie reminded me before going off with Jisoo to go on some rides. I chose not to go with them, because I was tired and felt like relaxing on one of the poolside chairs.

The suns rays kissed my milky skin, enveloping me in a relaxing, comforting warmth, that is until someone nudged me on the shoulder. "Jimin? Why do you show up everywhere I go?" I mumble.

"Based off of what I saw yesterday, you look like you could use someone to cheer you up," he smiled, sitting down next to me. Well he's not wrong. I just hate when people get unnecessarily involved with my problems.

"That's true," I give in. "I'm still sleepy though."

"The hotel is for sleeping. Jeju Waterworld is for having fun. Don't be like a grumpy grandma again," he commands, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Alright, Mom," I groan as I reluctantly get out of my comfy seating position while grabbing his hand. A yawn escaped my lips as I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. When my head returned to its normal position, I could not believe my eyes.

Jimin had taken off his shirt, revealing his slightly bronze and well toned upper body. His swim trunks hung dangerously low beneath his waist, and the light from the sun shined on his chocolate abs, making them stand out even more. I hate to admit it, but he looked hot.

"Like what you see?" He asked, making my eyes move up to his. "You'll have to take that off too, you know," he eyed my cover-up, making my face redden.

"Don't be nasty. Unless you want it to get all wet."

"What do y—" I was cut off when two strong arms lifted me into the air and threw me into a nearby pool. I shivered at the feeling of cold water against my skin.

"PARK JIMIN!" I shouted as I surfaced, slipping off my cover-up to prevent it from soaking further. "YOU ARE SO GOING TO REGRET THIS!"


I burst into laughter as I pushed her in. The angry look on her face didn't help at all, for I was pretty much crying and clutching my stomach at that point.

What I didn't expect was to see Y/N wearing a two-piece. She seemed like the reserved type, to be honest, but she looked undeniably...well, sexy. The way the navy blue fabric hugged her curves and contrasted against her dewy, pale skin was something I couldn't help but admire. My eyes unknowingly moved along with the water droplets that trickled down her body before I felt a force push me into the water. Shit. She caught me staring.

"Now, we're even," She says with a smirk while moving a few wet strands of hair out of her face.

"Still, I regret nothing. Your reaction was priceless," I laughed while running a hand through my hair, trying to look as confident as possible.

"Come in here. It's nice," I suggest.

"The water's too cold!" She says, shivering as she hugs herself before her friends—Jennie and Jisoo—pushed her into the pool from behind.

"Hey! Where'd you come from?" She asks, looking up at their laughing faces.

"We just got off a water slide. Anyways, enjoy your time, lovebirds!" Jennie smiled cheekily while waving at her, causing an intense heat to surge through my body.

"We're not lovebirds!" She shouted, but it was too late. Jennie and Jisoo had already left the area.

I looked over at Y/N, and she was still shivering. "Aww, come on. You'll get used to the temperature," I say in attempts to convince her to stay in the pool. I don't know why I wanted her to stay, but I just did. Probably so I wouldn't have to suffer seeing her almost exposed self right before my eyes.

She shook her head and started to tread toward the edge before I swam over and hugged her from behind, wrapping my arms around her bare stomach. Her back was up against my chest, and my lips were a little above her ear. "Better?" I asked before I felt her nod and relax in my embrace.

I carried her around gently, allowing the water to do most of the work of swaying her body. I just wanted her to have fun, that's all. She seemed really sad yesterday, and when I felt her giggle against me, a smile couldn't stop it's way from coming up to my face.

I spun her around to take a look at her lovely visage, which made my heart yearn to be free from its cage of bones and veins. The movement of the water allowed her legs to wrap around my torso. I lightly brushed my fingers against her bare sides which made her squeal before she snaked her arms around my neck for support and leaned in to touch my forehead with hers.

"I seriously loosened up today," she chuckled, making me chuckle in return.

"Glad to hear that," I smile back.

We stayed in each other's arms for forever, it seemed like, gazes locked on each other and noses softly rubbing up against one another. It wasn't long before I swallowed hard, Adams Apple bobbing up and down before I licked my lips and eyed hers. My grip on her back tightened as I slowly leaned in...

...and touched her lips with mine.

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