Chapter 4

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Luckily, my house wasn't too far from here. It was closer to the ice cream shop than the school, actually, so it only took about 5-10 minutes before we reached.

I said "thank you" to Jimin before walking to the door and ringing the doorbell. Moments later, I was greeted by Taehyung. "Taehyungie!" I said before hugging him.

He let out a small "oof" and said, "ugh, what a child," before chuckling softly.

I pulled away and pouted. "What, I can't be excited to see my own brother?"

"It's not that; it's just that I've been busy saving your ass lately," he said. "And you are?"

I was confused because he was looking over my head. I turned around flinched. How the hell did he walk here without making one noise?

"I'm Jimin, Y/N's friend. Nice to meet you," he said before giving his hand to shake.

I watched as my brother and Jimin shook hands, and then I heard my mother holler from the kitchen. "Taehyung, is Y/N home?"

"Yeah, Mom!" he hollered back to her and went upstairs.

Oh, no. Things are going to get funky, I thought to myself. I shouldn't have let Jimin drive me home.

My mom came in the doorway and exclaimed. "Oh, Y/N, who's this?" She asked me.

"His name's Jimin. He's just a friend," I reply neutrally.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My apologies for keeping Y/N out so late," Jimin said while bowing.

"Ah, no worries. I'm glad she's safe," my mom said before ruffling his hair. I swear, she does this to everyone. It's weird. "Jimin, why don't you come in for a little bit?"

I became shocked. Please don't say yes, please don't say yes, please don't "Ah no, it's okay. I really don't want to waste any of your time," Jimin told her, and I sighed in relief.

"Nonsense! It'll only be for a minute." And there goes my peace and calm.

"Okay, if you really insist, Mrs.—,"

"Kim," she said. "And yes, I do."

"Okay then, Mrs. Kim," Jimin replied, smiling while my mom led him in the house.

I walked in and shut the door. I decided to go upstairs to Taehyung's room to hopefully escape this awkward situation.

"Y/N? Did Jimin leave already?" Taehyung asked, turning around in his chair and pulling out his earbuds.

"Nope," I said before sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be keeping him company?"

"He's talking with Mom right now. It'd be awkward just sitting there and eavesdropping in on their conversation."

"Y/N, you can talk to me anyday you want, but you can't do the same thing with Jimin. Go down; he's probably wondering were you went by now."


"No buts. If he doesn't want to be your friend, why would he have driven you when I could have easily picked you up?"

It's because Jennie told me that he was a playboy.

"You seriously need to give people a chance. You can't keep ignoring him forever," he said before turning back around. I soon left the room went to my own, face first on my bed.


I was relieved when I found out that that Taehyung guy who picked Y/N up earlier was her brother and not her boyfriend. I can hopefully use him to get closer to her.

Mrs. Kim led me to what seemed like the living room, and had me sit down on the couch. "Can I get you some tea or anything?"

"No, no, I'm fine, thank you," I smiled back.

"No problem," she said before sitting across from me.

"So, how long have you known Y/N for?"

"Ever since school started, but we've only hung out with each other for two days."

"Well, I must say that you've made a big step in bringing her home on the second day."

I chuckled.

"What do your parents do?" She asked me again.

"My mother owns a restaurant while my father has his own company."

"That's lovely. I would love to go some time," she said before looking up behind me. "Oh, I am so sorry for keeping you late, Jimin. Your parents must be worried."

I looked behind me and noticed a clock hanging on the wall. The time showed quarter to seven. "They work late, so it doesn't really bother me. But thank you for your concern, Mrs. Kim."

"Still, you should probably go home. High school kids get a lot of homework these days," she said before going to open the front door.

"I guess so. Thank you for having me over; it was really nice knowing you," I said while walking out to my car. "Goodnight, Mrs. Kim."

~Y/N'S P.O.V.~

I don't get it. This man couldn't be anymore ridiculous. He acts like a player and drives a freaking Porsche, but he also gets scared easily? Not to mention the way his full lips curve into a smile that compress his hooded eyes into tiny half moons, and the way his hands rake his soft hair when he's in deep thought. He, but also cute. How is that possible?

I guess that's why he seems to attract so many girls. They fall in his trap of charms and get their hearts broken, and I was not planning on being added to his list of victims. How could I possibly give him a chance when my feelings are on the line?


Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. She's unlike any other girl I've met before. I always read about these types of girls in books, but I have never encountered one of them in real life.

She doesn't crave for my touches or me needing to pleasure her in one way or the other. She can be shy but also feisty, which is something I've never seen in a girl before, and I find it...cute, but also charming.

I just loved seeing her all innocent and doll-like. The way her cheeks flush and her eyes sparkle when I say something to her only makes me want to tease her even more. My heart fluttered at the thought, but I guess I'll have to come up with another way to make her fall for me. But I can't fall for her...

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