Chapter 14

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A/N: Shoutout to princessichigo on ARA for the awesome text divider used in this chapter! I think I'll start using it rather than saying "some time later" everytime haha. 😅 Lemme know what you guys think, and in case you are interested in using them, the link to her post is here: 

  ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼   

THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, I heard as I shifted under the duvet. "Ah, five more minutes..." I whined.

Jisoo trudged from the bed and ruffled her hair. "Nope, that's our wake-up call. We need to leave, otherwise Mr. Kang will kill us."

Tired moans echoed through the room as we lazily went through our morning routines. I know we came here at 6 in the evening and got plenty of sleep, but I was tired anyway.

Down at the lobby, we were greeted with a buffet full of various food selections. I guess it was worth getting up after all.

I hummed as I took some fruit and scrambled eggs and made my way over to a table.

"Y/N, sorry to disappoint you, but the food's not really good," Jennie tells me.

"What?" I ask, taking a bite of scrambled eggs. She was right; they were gross. They felt like rubber in my mouth. "Oh...I guess that's the price you pay for complimentary breakfast."

"Wanna go eat out somewhere?" Jisoo asks.

"Are you kidding me? What if Mr. Kang finds out?"

"He won't. We have until 9:30, and it's 8 right now. There's a café across the street."

"Fine, but if we get caught, it's all your fault."


"Oh, and you're paying."


"It was your idea!"


✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ 

"I'm glad we came here. The food is a thousand times better," I said.

"You're welcome?" Jisoo chuckles.

"Thanks," I reply, sipping my matcha latte.

"Oh, hey Y/N. Fancy seeing you here," a familiar voice sounds.

"Good morning, Jimin," I look up to face him. "And you too, Taehyung."

"Care to join us?" Jennie asks.

"Gladly," Jimin smirks as he drags two chairs over to our table.

For a while, we talked, laughed, and made many group moments to cherish. Sadly, we had to go back to the hotel before Mr. Kang could've caught us.

"Good morning, students. I hope you are enjoying your first day here so far. Today, we are taking a walk through Seonimgyo Bridge to prime our legs for some more intense hikes later on. Hopefully, you slept well, because it's going to be a long day!" He spoke.

The crowd of Biology students produced some "yipees" and some unsatisfied grunts before we were given our bus list. I was disappointed to find out that Jennie and Jisoo weren't on my bus, and...Jimin was. Not that I hate Jimin or anything; it's just easier to approach boys when your besties are around.

"You sat next to me on the plane. Sit next to Taehyung or something this time," I tell Jimin as he stands behind me in the bus queue.

"Awe, but Taehyung is on the other bus," he pouted. Ah, the puppy eyes. I had a soft spot for them, and without knowing, my eyes found his and my lips curved a little.

"You're holding up the line!" A meek voice sounds, making me come back to my senses. Holy crap. You could fit five tigers in the space I made.

I walked slowly, hands on my burning cheeks as I proceeded to a seat, but before I could exit the aisle, my thigh harshly jutted the arm rest, causing me to lose balance and drastically lean forward. I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna-, I was stopped when an arm slithered around my stomach before I could've face-planted.

I sneak a glance behind to see the beautiful ebony haired man with a shy smile on his face. As he held me, my hands found their way to his shoulders. Is this what being in a drama feels like?

"Are you alright?" He asks, expressing care in his voice.

"I'm fine, thank you, Jimin," I say as he pulls me up and guides me to the window seat.

I wince at the sight of a black-purple mark on my left thigh. I take my hand and run my fingers over it, attempting to ease the pain. Ostensibly, that just made it worse. "Would you like my water bottle?" Jimin asks.

"Water bottle? What for?"

"It's filled with ice water, and it's vacuum sealed, so it can reduce the swelling a bit. Here," he says, placing the water bottle on my bruise. I initially shivered at the cold metal touching my skin, but sighed after some of the pain vanished. Who would believe this guy is a playboy now? He's become so sweet and caring, and I can't believe I didn't notice earlier.

I turned my head to the right and smiled, causing him to smile back, showing his toothpaste-commercial-worthy teeth.

"By the way, Jimin," I say. "You do realize I like teasing you playfully, right?"

"Yeah, I do too. Why?"

"I feel like you sometimes think I hate you. I really don't," I bite my lip. "I think you're a really fun guy, and I'm glad I met you."

"No one's really complimented me about my personality before," he began, his voice suddenly softening. "It was always how good I was in bed."

"Well, don't think about those people. They're in your past, and doing so will only drag you down," I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not; it's just a shocker that you mentioned my character."

"Jimin...stop saying that," I say, before leaning in to wrap my arms around him.

His arms slowly gripped my waist, pulling me closer. There were about 50 students on the bus, and they could've been watching us, but I didn't care. I gently rubbed circles on his back before resting my head on his shoulder. Have I possibly developed feelings for him?

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