Chapter 19 (pt. 2)

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Goddammit; I should've never kissed her. She was way too sweet to be taken advantage of like that. Maybe that's why she fainted, because she's scared of you. Jimin, why do you always fuck things up? Do you really think she likes you back, especially aft—

"Jimin, how is she?" Taehyung asks as I walk out of Y/N's ward and further down into the hallway.

"She's okay, but she told me she wanted time to sleep, so I'm heading out. I'll be back in a few."

"Jimin, wait!" he shouts, halting me in my tracks. "Mr. Kang and the others are waiting for you outside. They're about to go to the airport."

"Well great, because I'm not leaving," I hiss as I continue walking.

"Jimin, you're out of your mind, just le—"

"I told you already, I'm not leaving!" I yell, turning around to face Taehyung, who gasped in fear. I didn't want to cause a bigger scene than what occurred just now, so I stormed outside, where a crowd of students and my biology teacher stood.

"You can go without me; I'm staying here," I grunt, but was soon halted by Mr. Kang's booming voice.

"Jimin, it's school policy for all students who are not family of—"

"Do you think I care about a fucking school policy? My friend just fainted due to extreme anxiety, so who's going to be there to support her, huh!?" I stopped talking after I realized that some other students became afraid of my sudden anger outburst, and stormed off to the nearest strip mall I could find. I was pretty sure I'd get detention or in-school suspension when we get back, but I didn't care. How could they refuse me from staying back to emotionally support someone who means so much to me? Someone as special as her shouldn't be left alone on that fucking hospital bed.

I entered a tiny restaurant and lazily took my wallet out from my back pocket. "One jjajangmyeon to go, please." It's crazy how genuinely liking someone can make you do things you never would have done. Sure, I've gotten into fights with my teachers and gotten detention, but it was never over someone I was interested in.

"Thank you, sir. Your order will be up in ten minutes." The lady said.

I bowed quickly before running over to a convenience store next door. I looked around for some non-cliché treats, but all that initially met my eyes was ice cream and chocolate. Y/N's not dealing through a breakup, so why should I buy her that? Then, something caught my eye.

It was a pastel yellow and pink package full of different shapes of marshmallow candies, including peeps, hearts, and clouds. It looked sweet and delicate, just like Y/N herself. I smiled as I picked up the candies and grabbed a Red Bull from the fridge before making my way to the counter.

Ostensibly, ten minutes passed and I picked up the noodles before walking back to the hospital. The cold Jeju breeze snuck underneath the hem of my shirt, making me shiver. Should've called a taxi, maybe? Oh, well. It's too late now.

The distinct warmth and bright lights from the hospital's interior startled me awake a little. "I'm back for Kim Y/N," I tell the receptionist.

"Oh, welcome back, Mr. Park Jimin. Visiting hours are almost over, so you need to keep it short."

"Got it, Thanks," I thank her before heading to Y/N's ward.

I take a seat outside the room to regain energy that's been lost in the walking process. The click of the Red Bull can sounds throughout the hall, shattering the silence. As I bring the metal up to my lips, I allow the liquid to fill me up and burn inside me, fueling me with a surge of energy that allowed me to stand up on two feet and turn the icy doorknob.

The door creaked slightly, revealing a dark room that had been illuminated by the foreign light from the hallway. I opened the door the tiniest bit more to make sure I wasn't waking her up...

...only she was nowhere to be found.

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