Chapter 13

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"Flight 2089 will now be boarding to Jeju Island. Please have your boarding passes ready at the gate," the intercom voice spoke.

Many of the other girls around me squealed, but I tried my best to hold it in. I didn't want to embarrass myself in an airport crowd.

As soon as the line moved into the rectangular plane entrance, I lost sight of my friends. Ugh. Screaming in a line of passengers won't do any good, I thought.

I spotted an empty row of seats, so I slid myself toward the window seat. I was about to put my earbuds in when I felt a presence to my left. "And what do you think you're doing here?" I asked.

"Why are you staring into my soul? There were no other seats available. Plus, I like sitting next to you," Jimin said as he pinched my nose.

"Pfft, whatever. Just don't annoy me," I sighed back.

"But you're cute when you're angry."

"Aaaand you just annoyed me."

"Fine, you look like a rat," he replied before I smacked him on the arm.

"What? You said I annoyed you when I called you cute."

"Whatever brain isn't functioning right now; I'm going to get some sleep," I relax into my seat.

"Y/N, it's three in the afternoon-"

"A girl needs her beauty sleep. Shouldn't you know that by now, Jimin? You've been with so many girls," I cut him off.

"Hey, we don't speak of those times," Jimin replied, trying to sound confident and failing to conceal the pain in his eyes and voice.

"Jimin, I'm really sorry," I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to go that far."

He grabbed my wrist and gently stroked both of my hands while looking into my eyes. "It's okay, really. I've never acted this way around a girl before, so your response was valid."

Although his words and gentle touch were reassuring, I still felt guilty for pushing his boundaries. I was an insensible person. "Don't blame yourself for everything, please," I said softly, before locking my fingers with his and leaning my head in to touch his.

"Passengers, we will be taking off shortly," the sudden loudness of the intercom reverberated through the room, making us jump. The hostess proceeded to make many more announcements before we awkwardly laid back in our seats, but it wasn't long before the sudden sound of the engine made me jump up in my seat.

"Have you never been on a plane before?" Jimin looks over to me.

I shook my head and gripped the armrests firmly before I felt the plane begin to taxi. I immediately relaxed a little bit when I felt Jimin's hand softly place itself over mine.

"It's okay; I'm here. Close your eyes and don't think about it," he said, gingerly.

I nodded ferociously, before shutting my eyelids tight and squeezing the guts out of his hand. My eyes flew open when I felt myself positioned with my head on Jimin's chest as he pulled me in for a tight embrace.

"It'll be over soon, Y/N-ah. There's nothing to be afraid of," he brushed his lips on my helix while gently rubbing circles on my back.

Moments later, the plane began to accelerate. In any normal situation, I probably would have teased Jimin to get off of me, but in this case, I needed his warm, safe aura around me to prevent me from losing my mind. I clutched his shirt tightly before closing my eyes, and he pulled me in tighter when we began to leave the ground. Once we were parallel to the ground, I inhaled his scent one last time before zoning out in his arms.


Seeing how afraid Y/N was, I couldn't help but comfort her. It pained me to see her all vulnerable and afraid for some reason. She looked so peaceful in my arms, so I didn't even bother waking her up. Girls need their beauty sleep, I chuckled at her recent words.


"Thank you for flying with us to Jeju Island, and we hope to see you again!" The hostess spoke before everyone unbuckled their seat belts.

"Y/N, wake up," I shook her gently.

"Y/N-ah." Still no response.

"Y/N," I placed my lips against her ear before she lazily opened her eyes.

"Mmm, are we here already?" She asks, and I nod. Because her hair was disheveled, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's so funny?"

"You look like Albert Einstein."

"What do you?...Oh, hehe," she said sleepily as she tried to fix her hair.

"Ah, sorry about that..." she said.

"Why are you Sorry?"

"I fell asleep, I'm ass, you should have woken me up!"

"You looked so relaxed sleeping there, so I didn't want to disturb you," he said with an eye smile. "Plus, you said that girls needed their beauty sleep anyways."

She slapped me before I yelped and caressed my arm. "Hey, what was that for?"

"I don't know," She replied before getting her bag and exiting the plane. "Just felt like it."


"We were all the way in the back. You probably couldn't see us. It was two to a row anyway." Jisoo told me.

"Still, because of you, I had to sit with Jimin the whole time," I pouted.

"Oooh, how was it?" Jennie asks.

"I don't know. I fell asleep," I laughed it off.

Jisoo opened the room to reveal our room. "No wonder this trip was more expensive," Jennie spoke. "The last time my family and I came here, we stayed in a motel."

"I call dibs on that bed," I yell as I run over to it and plop down face first.

"You haven't even seen the whole room yet, and all you care about are the beds," Jisoo rolls her eyes.

"There are three of us, and only two beds. Looks like you'll have to sleep on the cot then," I gave her a playful smirk before they headed into the bathroom.

Now that I think about it, I feel really gross, so I got up to change into a pair of panda pajamas that Taehyung got me as a birthday present one time. Ah, Taehyung. He's probably with Jimin and/or the other guys.

After splashing some water on my face and brushing my teeth, I felt refreshed, and was looking forward to spending time in a new area.

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