Chapter 30

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Day...I lost count of Operation Shoo The Devil. I enjoyed seeing him worked up at my outfit some time ago, so I decided to go with a more scandalous option today.

As before, I walked down the hallways, being sure to sway my hips a little this time. After the practice rounds since the previous week, I felt more dominant of my surroundings and walked with confidence. I was pretty sure I heard a whistle or two in the background, but I shrugged it off. I don't have time for another fuckboy.

I went to the library to check out a book needed for my reading and writing class. As I was skimming the bookshelves and grabbing a couple to read the summary sheets, a small voice shattered the silence. "Noona?"

"Who's there?" I peek from behind the wooden frames, only to find a boy standing there with a folder labeled: Chemistry. I don't necesarrily know if I'm his noona, but whatever.

"Hi, can I help you?" I ask, trying to not seem so intimidating.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my chemistry homework? I have a test tomorrow."

Well, I don't have much else to do right now, so, why not? I thought to myself. "Well, my chemistry is a little rusty, but I'll see what I can do," I say with a smile as I walk over to a table and put my backpack down, but as soon as I began to sit down, I felt a strong grip on my wrist push me back to the bookshelves.

"Noona," the boy said with a mishchevous grin as he stuck his knee between my legs and fanned his hot breath on my ear.

Welp, my phone is in my backpack. Looks like I'll need a Prince Charming after all. "W-What are you doing?" I say as I shiver under his touch.

"Admiring you," he said, placing open mouth kisses on my neck. Unlike Jimin's kisses, these burned and stung with greed, and bile began to climb up my throat.

"S-Stop. P-Please stop!" I cried out, hoping someone would notice.

As I tried shoving him off, this boy began to harshly bite the sensitive skin below my ear, leaving a mark behind that would eventually bruise. Tears began to flow out of my eyes at the excruciating pain as I longed for someone to rescue me. Jennie was right. I was being a bit overconfident, and Jimin was right because I shouldn't have worn something this revealing. I hate myself. I hate myself so fucking much.

As soon as I felt the pain on my neck stop, I furrowed my brows in confusion. I didn't want this creepy dude to continue marking me, but I was curious to see who my Prince Charming was.

I noticed another boy with wavy silver hair beating my abuser to a pulp and shouting curse words in his face. I stood behind the bookshelves trembling in fear, but as soon as I noticed that the boy's face was bloody, I pulled the silver-haired man off by my shoulders the best I could, causing him to turn around and face me with wide eyes. Jimin? Am I hallucinating?

Our school principal burst into the doors, eyeing Jimin and the other boy. "What the hell happened here!?" He exclaimed while eyeing the beaten up boy.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Jimin was quick to interrupt. "Sir, this kid was harassing my girlfriend. I was left no choice."

"Tell me how I'm supposed to believe you, Jimin," the principal hissed, glaring into his eyes.

"Sir, does this school not have security cameras?"

"It does, but I'd rather know who the culprit is as soon as possible." I don't like Jimin right now, but I wouldn't be able to see him being blamed for something he obviously didn't do, so I stepped in.

"This boy here is the culprit," I told him, pointing to said boy. "Jimin's not lying, Sir."

"Tell me how I'm supposed to believe you, too, Y/N. How do I know that Jimin didn't coax you into being his get-out-of-jail-free card?"

"U-Uh...I-I—" I was cut off by Jimin's deep chocolate eyes boring into mine before mouthing 'sorry' and then a pair of soft, plump lips on mine.

This is the first time we've kissed since breaking up, so I was a little shocked at first, but when I noticed that he took his sweet time to gently caress my lips with his own, I immediately responded by wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. It wasn't long before a drop of salty liquid hit my tongue to notice that he was indeed, crying.

"Okay, get a room already," the principal's irritated voice beamed throughout the room, causing us to pull back. He then eyed the boy, who was staring at us awkwardly. "Mark, come with me. You have some explaining to do."

As soon as Mark was out of my sight, Jimin took the opportunity to hold me tightly, burying his face in my neck. When I tried to shove him off, he pulled himself back, but held me tightly by my arms.

My eyes darted to his, which were slightly red and teary. "H-He did t-this to you?" His voice croaked as he skimmed his fingers over the sore spots of my neck, which were probably hickeys by now.

The sincerity and concern in his voice and actions only helped with making a tear escape my eye, which was eventually kissed away by Jimin's warm lips on my cheek. Why is he acting like this now? I thought. I thought he only used me.

Half of me wanted to kick him away and forget about the way he made me feel while we "dated" while the other half wanted to be kissed and loved and be vulnerable in front of him once again. The idea of a perfect love was all a blur to me at this point as the muscle in my chest pumped furiously in confusion. My mind became clouded with mixed thoughts and feelings, so I simply muttered, "I need some time, Jimin."

And that was when he nodded slowly and released his hold on me, proceeding to walk to the library exit and out of my sight.

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A/N: Anyeong, reader(s)! I have come to inform you that sadly, this story will be ending soon. Thank you for all the support that you have given me that has motivated me to continue writing. If you find that there are any faults in my work, then please let me know so I can improve it in the future. I have already gone to the drawing board and come up with some story ideas that are hopefully better than this, lol. Saranghe! 💕

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