Chapter 19

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I woke up with bloodshot eyes and a pink, runny nose. The fact that someone is still threatening me even after I have a bodyguard outside my door still baffles me in a horrendous way.

"Y/N, Jungkook said that the hotel staff are checking their security cameras for—" Jennie cut herself off when she saw me in a slumped up position on my bed.

"They better catch them," she nudged me. "That asshole is going to rot behind bars, and they'll make sure of it. Now stop being so grumpy and get up."

"How long is it going to go on like this? Is this person going to tell me to stay away from you, too?" I exclaim before storming off into the bathroom.

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"I'm sad to say that our time here will be coming to an end soon," Mr. Kang tells us as we all gather in the hotel lobby. "So, to leave on a happy note, I'm going to let you guys roam around, but please make sure you have someone with you at all times."

Many of the kids gasped in awe, but I was more or so...afraid. This'll only give my stalker an opportunity to find me more easily. Suddenly, my mind urged my muscles to haul my body over to the women's restroom.

I heaved over the sink, watching my tears drip and flow down the basin. Overwhselming anxiety struck my head like a speeding boulder, causing me to gag and slowly lose consciousness.

I felt the vibrations of rushing footsteps on the tile floor and a pair of arms grab mine from both sides before everything went dark.

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My eyes fluttered open to a bright white space, and the faint sounds of monitor beeps rang throughout my ears. "Oh! You're awake!" I hear a woman's voice say, making me groan due to how loud it seemed for me at the moment.

"What happened?" I mumble.

"Oh, you just fainted due to tremendous anxiety," she began. "But don't worry! Just get plenty of rest and I'll get you some food and vitamins. Then, you should be good to go."

"Thank you."

I shift around lazily on the bed, not aware that I was hooked up to IV. "Oww!" I yelped in pain when the needle in my arm ended up in a weird spot.

"Need some help with that?" An all too familiar voice rings.

"Jimin?" I groan. "Why are you here?"

"Am I not allowed to check up on you?"

"N-no but—"

"But what?"

"Yah, my brain cannot function right now, so if you want to have a normal conversation with me, wait till I get out of this damn place."

"Impressive. You're still feisty, even when you're hospitalized."

"I didn't lose myself completely," I smiled slowly, but then realized what my stalker had told me. "Jimin, you should go."


"You should go have fun. It's Jeju Island, after all."

"I come here with my friends and family a lot. I've seen plenty. Plus, something's been bothering you lately, so here I am to cheer you up!" Jimin said, making his voice more cheerful and his eyes squish into crescents.

I really wanted him to stay; I really did, but because of my selfishness in not wanting to get myself hurt, I had to try to force him to leave. A tear threatened to run down my face, but I fought the urge and bit my lip. I couldn't afford to see Jimin looking at my weakened, broken physique. "Jimin, please," I said as my lip quivered.

"Please what? What do you want me to do?"

"Leave." I said, bringing my hand up to cup his face. Holding back my tears became harder every passing second. "I'm sorry."

"Alright," he said, taking my hand and playing with my fingers. "If that's what you want, Y/N. Goodbye," he placed gentle kisses on my fingers before turning his back to me and leaving my ward. At that point, I freed myself from the emotional handcuffs that shackled me this entire time.

My sobs echoed throughout the room, and I'm pretty sure my pillow was drenched with the liquid that ran from my eyes. Nobody deserved to be treated and shooed away like the way I did with Jennie and Jimin earlier today. They're good people; I know that. I just need to stop being so damn selfish and take the bullet for once. Then I began to wail even more, longing for the security and warmth any companion could offer. More importantly...

...the one who I fell in love with.

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