Chapter 2 (pt. 2)

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"See you around, Y/N," I said before going out to my car.

As I was getting in, I took a moment to observe her ride. He was about my age, and had a very symmetrical face and brown-blonde locks that cascaded over his forehead.

He looked like what other girls would call "boyfriend material", but what was Y/N doing with him? Are they dating? I ran a hand through my hair and turned the engine on.

A million thoughts raced through my head as I drove home. Why am I like this? Am I jealous? No, I can't be. I'm just worried I'll lose this bet. Girls are snakes. I'll never fall for another girl after Minhee anyways, so why am I worried?

Lost in my thoughts, I decided to call Hoseok Hyung. I just needed someone to talk to at this point.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hyung! You picked up!" I exclaim.

"Of course I did, Jiminie. Now what's up? You sound like you've been dying to tell me something."

"Yeah, it's a long story."

"I might as well listen while waiting for my flight. Mom and Dad are asleep already and Jiwoo is just browsing through social media."

"Alrighty, here goes nothing," I said, taking a deep breath as I gripped the steering wheel harder.

"So basically, there's this new girl at our school. She isn't really my type, but I noticed that she was lost on her first day while I was taking my morning stroll, so I decided to help her out."


"I had recently called off one of my flings, so I thought, 'why not'?"

"Uh, okay. Sounds like the Park Jimin I know of," he scoffs.

"But here's where it gets crazy. I used my so called 'techniques' when I was talking to her, and I got no reaction out of her."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, but that's not all. Namjoon Hyung and I made a bet that if I make her fall in love with me before I fall for her, then I win."

"You think I'd be much help to you?"

"Sorry Hyung, I just needed to vent my frustration out. This girl's a pain in the ass."

"Jimin-ah, what am I going to do with you?"

"Nothing, just don't tell Namjoon Hyung that you know about the bet...please?"

"And why not?"

"He's been teasing me ever since school started that I'm starting to fall for her, but I'm not."

...I'm starting to fall for her...I gaped at the thought. Was I really? Nope...I'm Park Jimin, and I don't do the girlfriend thing anymore. I just need to win this bet.

~Y/N's P.O.V.~

"Y/N, who were you hanging out with?" Taehyung asked me as we drove back home.

I began to stutter until he cut me off. "I won't tell Mom and Dad. It's just good for me to know."

"I was studying with a friend for our calc test," I said, biting my lip. "I guess I just lost track of time."

"You guess? You mean you did," he laughed, but then his countenance turned somewhat serious. "Listen, I'm not mad, I just don't want you to get hurt. But I can't say the same for our parents."

I nodded and bit my lip at his response.

When we reached home, I opened the door to a very angry set of parents while Taehyung just casually strolled by. "Kim Y/N, care to explain why you were out so late?" My mom shouted.

"Sorry, I was studying with a friend," I replied softly.

She sighed. "Well, next time, at least let us know that you'll be out late so one of us can pick you up. You had us worried sick."

"Okay," I muttered.

"Honey! Y/N is here!" My mom shouted up the banister as my dad ran out a few seconds later. He looked as if he just came out of the bathroom or something.

"Thank goodness my daughter is alive!" He shouted as I rolled my eyes, trotting to the kitchen.

"Y/N, I made noodles. There's some left in the fridge if you're hungry," my mom said, eyeing me as I made my way to the kitchen counter.

"Thanks, Mom," I said as I took out the noodles and began to eat them.

While eating, I became lost in my thoughts. The words I said earlier rang in my head like church bells. I was studying with a friend. With a friend. Are Jimin and I friends? Maybe, maybe not. Is it okay if we become friends? Yeah, I guess. I just mustn't fall for him...

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