Chapter 2

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Now, school was really beginning to feel like school when my teachers started handing out homework and assessments. Jennie, Jisoo, and I have become close friends, and Taehyung...well, I actually don't know what's been up with him lately.

"Y/N. Y/N!" I was awoken by a shouting Jennie and a bunch of murmurs and footsteps reverberating throughout the hallway.

"Sorry...I'm still half asleep," I said, rubbing my eyes. "I've been trying to study for my calc test and all I've gained is a massive headache."

"Calc is a tough class," Jennie says. "Jisoo or I would help you, but we're not really math people."

"Great...mood killed," I say, hanging my head low, while Jennie pats my back. "Oh well, I'll just go to the library after school today and check out some math books or something."

"Bitch, you're making me feel bad," she says, chuckling.


I was walking to class, and the indistinct conversations of other students filled my head. I was about to take a detour to clear my head until I saw a familiar figure walking with another girl in the corner of my eye.


Without thinking, I ran a hand through my hair and walked towards her while keeping some distance in between, enough to where I could hear her conversation but not be called out for stalking her as well.

"Sorry...I'm still half asleep," Y/N said. "I've been trying to study for my calc test and all I've gained is a massive headache."

"Calc is a tough class," her friend said. "Jisoo or I would help you, but we're not really math people."

"Great...mood killed. Oh well, I'll just go to the library after school today and check out some math books or something."

This would be a good start, I thought, smirking.


As soon as the bell rang, I felt ecstatic to go home, but then I realized that I have to study for my calc test. Shit, why can't life just give me a break for once? I thought.

I slumped down at a table and started to take out the review guide Mr. Lee gave us. I knew how to do some of it, but there were many pages that I didn't attempt because the problems were too difficult.

I chewed the end of my pencil while my eyes moved about the paper. As I was about get up to check out some textbooks, I felt a thud in the seat next to me, so I looked up. Bruh, what does he want from me now?

"Having trouble there, Y/N?" Jimin asks me while a smirk made its way to his face.

"No, studying just takes some immense concentration, you know?" I say in return.

"Wow, you really went hard on your pencil," he says.

I eyed my pencil end, and holy crap. I almost gnawed the eraser portion off. "It's a nervous habit," I said biting my lip. Shit, why'd I say that?

"So you are having trouble." Jimin scoots his chair closer to me and eyed my blank paper. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie, I can do it myself, Jimin," I said, biting my lip once more. His voice was enough to make my hair stand on end. What is happening to me? It's like every time I'm around him, I feel...weaker.

"Says the person who has a hard time in Mr. Lee's class," he replies, chuckling.

Jimin takes my packet and flips through the pages, leaving me as a stiff figure in my chair. "Calm down, Y/N. I'm not going to rip your packet or anything," he laughs.

"Alright, let's see here," he hums. "Oh, you rewrite this as a quadratic."

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"Scooch over a bit so you can see," he said and I complied. Our shoulders bumped and goosebumps appeared on my skin. "Basically, you pretend that some variable equals this exponentiated term, which then makes it easier to visualize. See? Now all you have to do is factor and solve."

I mentally facepalmed myself for being such an idiot. "That's all?"

"Yep, that's all. Now, complete these other problems using what I taught you."

I took the pencil and slowly wrote down a series of numbers, hopefully not looking like a bigger idiot. It's Park Jimin who is tutoring me, after all.

He examines my work and smiles at me in agreement. "You did the steps correctly, but try not to be so nervous. I can see it in your penmanship."

Ah, that smile. That smile that could melt any girl's heart if they ever came across it. It was almost like the playboy had a sweeter side hidden beneath the edgy street wear and multiple piercings that he rarely ever showed. Aish, why am I thinking like this? He just helped me on homework, that's all. Plus, he'll probably be fucking someone in the locker room by the time I leave anyways.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, so I pulled it out. Incoming call from: Taetae👽 "Hello?" I answered.

"Y/N, where the hell are you?" Taehyung asked. "Mom and Dad have been worried sick!"

"Jeez, was I really out that late?" I replied.

"Just look at the time for God's sake!"

I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at the time, gulping. Holy shit, I'm screwed. It's quarter to eight.

"Ah-ah, o-okay I'm sorry!" I stuttered.

"Ai-okay, just tell me where you are. I'm coming to get you."

"Okay, I'm still at school."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Taehyung said before hanging up the phone.

I looked to my side and saw that Jimin was just standing next to me on his phone, not saying a word. "You're still here?" I asked.

He looked up from his screen to face me, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah. It wouldn't really be ideal if you were left here at this time of night wouldn't it?" Back to the Jimin I knew.

"No, but I can look after myself." I replied.

"To put it in a simpler way, it's common courtesy, Y/N." He says, smiling a little, but awkwardly.

"Seriously, Jimin. You don---," I was cut off when a finger pressed against my lips, and it was not mine. I stood there frozen, while my eyes shockingly fell upon his finger.

He pulled his finger away a few seconds later, following by my phone buzzing once again. I checked it to find out that my brother was waiting for me, outside. "You're free to go now, I guess," I told Jimin.

"No thank you for the help today?" He asked, smirking.

"Please. I just wanted to get it over with," I said, scoffing playfully. "I don't like creating scenes."

"Really? It seemed like you really benefited from our little study session."

"Hold your horses, Park Jimin. I haven't taken that test yet." I said, when a loud honk echoed through the doors.

"Well, bye, I guess," I say, looking back once more.

"See you around, Y/N," he said, smiling before going out.

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