Chapter 1

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The bell rang for lunch, and so I kept repeating Namjoon hyung's words to myself as I walked to the cafeteria.

"She's playing hard to get, Jimin. You're gonna have to work a little harder to win her over."

~Y/N'S P.O.V.~

I walk to the cafeteria in time for lunch, and I see Jennie waving in the distance. Smiling, I walk towards her table to take a seat only to find someone else sitting next to her.

"Oh, Y/N! I forgot to tell you, this is Jisoo. Jisoo, this is Y/N," Jennie spoke.

"Nice to meet you," we politely greet each other before taking out our lunches.

"So Y/N, where did you move from?" Jisoo asks.

"Daegu," I reply while eating my rice bowl.

"Damn, that's far. What made you come to Seoul?"

"My father's company is expanding, and it branched out to Seoul."

"I wish our fathers did something cool like that, especially considering that Jisoo and I have been in Seoul for our whole lives," Jennie laughs.

"Oh, incoming player," Jisoo says and looks directly behind you.

You turn around in your seat and look up. It's him.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to ask if you need help finding your afternoon classes," he replied, fixing his glasses.

"No, I think I'll be good. Why?"

"To make sure that you don't act like a lost puppy roaming the halls again," he says, letting out a low chuckle.

God, his laugh. It sounded...adorable. You thought, as your lips unwillingly curved slightly upward. Stop! Snap out of it, Y/N! He's a playboy who'll eventually break your heart if you get to close with him.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine, Jimin," you say, neutrally.

"Anytime, Y/N. See you around," he says, winking at you before turning around.

"Don't fall for it Y/N," Jennie says, grasping your shoulder. "You'll only hurt yourself."


"So, kids? How are you liking school in Seoul so far?" My mother asks Taehyung and I, who were awkwardly eating in silence.

"It's okay," Taehyung replied. "It's just quite different from the smaller schools back home."

"How about you, Y/N?"

"I like Daegu better. I miss grandma already," I say, looking down at my food.

My grandmother was like a third parent to me ever since I was born, but in a good way. I mean, so was my grandfather, until he died of terminal lung cancer when Taehyung and I were eight. She would tuck me in and read me bedtime stories, and I felt comfortable sharing all my problems and worries with her. It wasn't like my parents were never there for me, it's just that they didn't take things as lightheartedly as my grandmother did.

"I know you do, darling. I just hope you understand why we had to come here," my father says. "We'll try to visit her when we can."

I sigh before shoving some more rice in my mouth, and then went to put my bowl in the sink once I was finished. I went upstairs, took a shower, and changed into some pajama pants before slumping into my bed. This is going to be a very long couple of years, I thought before closing my eyes.

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