Chapter 7

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"Welcome back, students. I hope you had a great weekend and got plenty of rest, because Bangtan High's biology department has a special surprise for you!" Mr. Kang said as he greeted us.

All the students muttered to one another in confusion.

"All students taking honors biology are invited to go on a trip to Jeju Island with us!"

My eyes lit up and I squealed. Luckily, a few other girls felt the same way as me so I didn't get stared at a lot. It's just that Jeju looks so beautiful in pictures that I got really excited knowing that I'll soon be seeing those pictures come to life before my own eyes.

"But, until then, school still exists, so please open up your books to page 73."

All students groaned as they took their textbooks out, but I smiled to myself knowing that I had something to look forward to.


"I don't know about you guys, but I'm super stoked about Jeju," Jisoo said while sipping her water.

"Me too," I replied. "I've never been there before, so you guys will have to help me navigate that place."

"For sure, Y/N. I'm surprised we're going to Jeju for this trip. It's usually a vacation spot for couples," Jennie said, giving me a wink.

"What was that for?"

"Oh, stop denying it already."

"I don't like him for God's sake!"

"...Yet," she smirked, and I lightly slapped her on the arm.

I looked to my right and saw something I didn't expect to see: Jimin with a girl. So much for trying to give him a chance, I thought as I mentally slapped myself. Why do I care? Jennie said he was a freaking playboy on the first day of school.


"So, Taehyung, are you planning on going to Jeju?"

"Yeah, why?"

Oh, I almost forgot to mention: Taehyung and I have started to become friends ever since I knew he was Y/N's brother. He's fun to get along with,and at least he'll keep me company senior year when my two Hyungs graduate.

"Just because there's no way in hell I'll room with some stranger since Namjoon Hyung and Hoseok Hyung are too smart for this trip," I said, fixing my gazes on the two people.

"Jimin-ah, we're a year older than you; it's not like we're smarter or you're dumber," Hoseok hyung says reassuringly.

"You're taking chemistry though. I remember almost failing that subject freshman year," I snicker.

"I didn't have like 50 girlfriends my freshman year," Namjoon Hyung gets back at me.

"Hey," I yell at him. "We don't speak of those times anymore."

"You seem like quite the changed man. What made you so focused on getting my sister?" Taehyung asks.

Oh shit, shit, shit, no. He can't find out about the bet.

"Because she's different, and I like that about her," I muttered, biting my lip.

"That's why you asked me if I was going to Jeju, didn't you?" he snorts. "You make it so obvious. You like Y/N; I can tell. You're blushing."

I touched my hands to my cheeks to feel the intense heat radiating from them. Even when someone mentions her name, this happens to me. Who knew that a cute, shy girl had so much power on me? Wait, did I just call her cute? Do I even like her?

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