Chapter 6

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"So, Jiminie...hows the bet going?" Namjoon Hyung asked me.

"So far so good, I guess?" I replied shoving some food in my mouth.

"Has she fallen for you yet?"

"I...honestly I don't know, Hyung."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Hoseok Hyung asks me.

"She just acts neutral around me; almost as like I'm a grandpa that she'll go to buy milk from."

They both burst into laughter.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You really think that you're a grandpa?"

"No, it's just that she sees me like one!"

"Park Jimin, the ovary exploder, has been turned into an grandpa by one girl," Hoseok Hyung continues to laugh.

"You had a girlfriend too, right, Hyung? Can you help me?"

"I did, but the difference between us is that I don't give other girls pain they don't deserve because of one. I'm just on the sidelines looking for the right one."

"Hey, you're making me feel really guilty right now!"

"At least I'm not the one who has to make Ms. Hard to Get to fall for me."



I didn't go directly home after school. I decided to take a drive throughout the country side just to clear my head. The tall trees with their lush green leaves and branches swaying gives me some temporary peace.

"Park Jimin, the ovary exploder, has been turned into an grandpa by one girl."

"...the difference between us is that I don't give other girls pain they don't deserve because of one. I'm just on the sidelines looking for the right one."

I kept replaying lunchtime from earlier. Did all the girls I've hooked up with in the past deserve me this? I shook my head. Of course they did. They only wanted me to touch them and make them my property, but Y/N is something else. The only time that we've actually had some physical contact is when I made the first move.

I enjoy spending time with her. I enjoy teasing her and putting on terrible aegyo shows for her and seeing her all shy and red-faced afterwards. It does things to my heart that are indescribable.

It just kills me that someday her heart will be broken when she finds about the bet, but hopefully, I can find a way to bend around it.

If God is on my side, I'll find it immediately.

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