Chapter 14 (pt. 2)

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Y/N gaped as she bent over the railing to admire the lush greenery and waterfalls below. "This view is to die for."

"The view is beautiful..." I begin. "...but it's even more beautiful with you in it," I smirk slightly, and soon we were back to our old, child-like teasing interactions.

She looked up at me while placing her phone back in her pocket, her doe eyes widening at my words. "How many girls have you said that to?" She asks, continuing to walk forward.

"I may have said that to many others, Y/N, but this is the only time I've said it for real."

As she turns back to face me, she starts, "Why would some handsome guy like you be interested in a goofball like me?" Did she just call me...handsome? "Ah, sorry, I-," she turned around.

"No no, it's okay," I approach her from behind and grab her wrists gently. "You were being honest with yourself," I finish before I feel a hard push on my crotch and noticed Y/N running away from me. "HEY!" I wail, covering it with my hands while trying to catch up with her.

"" I pant as I finally catch up to her. "Why'd you hit me?"

"Stop with the innuendos already, Jimin. It's getting on my nerves."

"You secretly love it when I do, though." I smirk again.

"You better not, or I'll hit you where the sun don't shine."

"Even when I do this?" I say as I wrap my arm around her waist and push her closer to me.

Our hot breaths mingled together as our noses softly bumped against one another. Muted thumps could be heard, but I couldn't tell from whom they were coming from. Holding her gently sent electricity throughout my body, causing my breathing to accelerate and my head to dip, but I managed to refrain myself from making the situation worse. "That's what I thought," I smile teasingly as I released her slowly, putting on my best poker face.

Kim Y/N, why are you shaking my heart?

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

I slumped on the bed and it made a loud squeaky noise. "Ah...fuck," I cursed underneath my breath.

"What're you thinking about?" Taehyung asks, taking off his spectacles and placing them on the dresser beside him.

"Oh, nothing it's just..." Y/N. Say it, Jimin, damn it.

"It's just what?"

"I think I like someone."

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