Chapter 33

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Minhee? As in the girl who told me to stay away from Jimin? Why was she with him? Was everything I was told by her a lie? Who do I believe?

"I'm going to use the restroom; I'll be right back," I tell my friends, who were still slow dancing for some reason.

I stormed off in the direction of the targeted couple and purposefully bump into Jimin's shoulder as I walked past him. This should show him how hurt and confused I am right now.


Minhee dug her nails into my back once the slow music started playing. The position we were in felt forced and unnatural, and I longed for my Y/N more, wishing that she was the one in my arms instead.

Suddenly, I felt a strong nudge on my shoulder causing me to look in the opposite direction, and I saw a familiar figure walk out of the gymnasium doors.


Ugh, fuck! Minhee planned all of this, didn't she? "I'm going to the restroom, Minhee. Don't go anywhere," I lie, hoping that she would believe me before going outside.

~Y/N'S P.O.V.~

I couldn't cry, because my mind was fogged up with confusing thoughts of who I should believe, such as: if Minhee told me to stay away from Jimin, yet she went with him to this event, then she obviously tricked me just so she could have him. I told Jimin to leave me alone once I found out about the bet, and he did that...sort of.

Sitting here with a heaving chest and sweaty forehead didn't help the situation at all. It only proved that I was a coward by not getting up and figuring out things for myself. Alright, Y/N. Time to go talk to Jimin. You can't wait any longer.

Said Jimin comes into sight, running a finger through his silver strands which glimmered under the moonlight along with the rest of him. Control yourself, Y/N. You need to talk to him before running up and kissing the mess out of him.

"J-Jimin? I was just going to talk to you, a-actually," I said in my failed attempt of sounding confident.

"I was, too," he replied, breaking out in a slight smile. "We should probably sit down somewhere. This may take some time."

I nod in response as I follow him outside the building where we were greeted by a pair of park benches laid on either side. I hugged myself due to the chilly night air as Jimin led me to one of the benches.

"Here, take this," he suggested, taking off his black-grey patterned blazer and giving it to me. Wearing the article of clothing engulfed me in a tint of the familiar warmth and Chanel cologne I felt when he hugged me, which made my need for him ache even more, but I knew I couldn't give in just yet. I had to be strong.

"So I'm assuming you're confused about this whole bet crap, am I right?" He asks, and I nod.

"Where do I begin?" He chuckles nervously while combing his hair back once again. "Ah. Whatever I'm about to tell you is completely true and coming from my heart, but you must hear the whole story before you can jump to conclusions, yes?"

"Just tell me already," I say in frustration, just wishing he could get to the damn point.

"It all started the day I met you.

"At that point, I had freshly broken up with one of my one night stands, so I still had that player mentality. I was curious about you being lost, though, so I decided to help you while using all the charms and tactics that won every girl I was with in the past.

"When I noticed that you obviously didn't fall for me, I got really confused, so I talked to Namjoon Hyung about it. I was a bitch back then, now that I think about it.

"As soon as he heard about the situation with you, he decided to make a bet with me for 100,000 won. It was that if I made you fall for me but I didn't fall for you, then I would win the money. If I fell for you, however, he would win it instead.

"Being the cocky bastard I was, I thought you'd be like every other girl and fall for me eventually, but I didn't know that I was going to fall for you and your sassy remarks you'd always give me.

"When I fell for you, I forgot that the time we spent together was because of this bet because I truly enjoyed spending time with you. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid of losing you."

His voice began to croak as a tear escaped his eye. I reached up to wipe it away with my thumb before holding his hands and stroking his knuckles. I look at him with a smile to signal him to continue his story.

"I knew you told me to leave you alone, but as soon as I suspected that you'd attract negative attention from others, that became harder for me, and when Mark was all over you, I completely lost it.

"Then, my ex who you just saw me with made me a deal. I didn't want to comply at first, but she said that if I didn't go to the dance with her, she'd show you a video of us kissing a couple years ago and tell you that I've been cheating on you. I was again afraid of losing you, so I kept my mouth shut. When you bumped into me just now, I immediately realized that she was the one sending you the threats in Jeju and making you witness us together so you could stay away from me and hate me even more.

I immediately cupped his face with my hands, forcing him to look at me. I could see how his chocolate eyes glistened with tears as they slowly began to fall, one by one. "Oh, Jimin!" I cried, throwing myself onto him and clenching his black dress shirt. He was genuine. He was genuine this whole damn time. How could I have been so blind and not have noticed it? None of this mess was his fault. It was my own fault for breaking him, for breaking us, and something so perfect between us.

"This is all my fucking fault," I weeped, soaking his shirt with tears. "I should have known that you weren't lying."

He traced circles on my back slowly as I felt his lips on my hair, then my forehead. "B-Baby, none of this is your fault. I should have told you earlier."

I shook my head against his chest and pulled him closer, craving the safety his body was providing me with.

"Ah, Jimin! There you are!" Another female voice beamed, which shattered our moment. "Oh, Y/N, there's something I should show you."

"Too late, Minhee. She already knows," Jimin said with a sly smirk before looking back to wink at me. My heart fluttered as I smiled back up at him. My cocky, playful Jiminie was back.

"UGH! I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL, YOU TWO! JUST YOU WAIT!" Minhee yelled before storming back into the gymnasium.

Both of us threw our heads back as we guffawed, enjoying the blithe, cheerful atmosphere that returned to give our hearts a treat after our emotional times. We made eye contact for a brief second before our eyes moved to the pair of lips in front of us that eventually came together. "I haven't said these words to someone in two years, but I don't regret saying them now." Jimin's voice hums against my lips. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too," I reply, which was all it took for our lips to meet in a sweet kiss.

"Come on, let's get you home," he mumbles as his lips curve into a cunning smirk.

"I like that idea," I reply, winking back at him.

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