Chapter 5

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~Y/N's P.O.V. + 3 DAYS LATER~

Today was the day of the dreaded calculus test. I hate to admit it, but studying with Jimin actually made me feel more at ease. We've been studying together after school for the last three days, and right now, I feel pretty confident that I'm going to ace this test.

During lunch, I didn't meet up with Jennie or Jisoo because I decided to do some last minute test review in our school's library. Call me a nerd, but calculus was one of my weaker subjects.

I took out my notes and had my eyes scan them thoroughly. "You'll do great," I heard a voice say from above. I looked up, and yep, it was indeed Jimin.

"You seriously need to stop appearing out of nowhere, Jimin-ssi. It's getting annoying," I replied while uncrossing my legs and placing the notes on my lap.

"Nice try, Y/N, but I don't have your number, so it's not like I can let you know in advance that I'm coming to meet you."

"Alright, can we not talk about this right now? The test is next period!" I began to whine.

"Okay, I'll help you. Don't worry," Jimin said before pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.

He began to take out what seemed like his notes and pushed mine off to the side. His hands slightly brushed against my thighs when he did that...holy crap.

"Let's begin shall we? What are two known points in any parent exponential or logarithmic function?"

"For an exponential, it's (0,1) and (1,b), and for a logarithmic, it's (1,0) and (b,1)."

"Excellent, Y/N. How would you find a slant asymptote?"

"Take the remainder of the quotient, then graph around it."

"Wonderful. Now, tell me how you would graph the derivative of f(x)=sin(x)."

Jimin gave me a paper t, and I drew a rough sketch of the cosine function, showing my work in the process. I then looked up at him, and he smiled. "I think you're ready, what about you?"

I chuckled softly and felt my cheeks turn pink. "I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Fighting!" He said while making a fist.


Jennie, Jisoo, and I decided to spend the rest of the day getting our nails done. It was really nice because not only could I take my mind off Jimin, but I haven't been able to talk to them in a while.

"So, did your test go alright?" Jennie asked me while eyeing her soon-to-be blue toes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did fine," I replied while swirling my feet in the hot water.

"Just making sure, because it seems like you've forgotten about us these past few days," Jisoo laughs.

" parents just really want me to be focused on school. Also, I pretty much tanked my quizzes in that class."

Moments later, I heard my phone buzz on the chair, so I decided to check it. KIM Y/N RECEIVED A SCORE OF 97/100 ON CALCULUS UNIT 1 TEST.

I gaped in awe.


I couldn't help but squeal lightly, which caused some eyes to move in my direction. "What happened?" Jennie asked me.

I showed her my phone and she leaned over to give me a big hug. "Oh, Y/N sweetie, I knew you could do it!"

"Guys, I don't deserve full credit," I said while biting my lip and breaking the hug. "I've been studying with Jimin the past few days."

Jennie and Jisoo eyed each other for a few seconds before returning their glances towards me. "Hmmm, maybe he isn't so terrible," Jisoo says.

No, he's been treating me well so far...but would things change?


"So, Y/N, how'd you do?" Jimin asked me while unpacking his things.

I couldn't look at him, and I didn't know why. He helped me improve my grade in this class and even treated me to ice cream; what was there to be afraid of? I thought to myself.

"Y/N~~~~," Jimin dragged out my name, but I didn't respond.

"Is she dead? I think she's dead," he laughed.

"97percent," I muttered really quickly before looking through my strands of hair to see his reaction.

The applause stopped and Jimin moved a little closer to me. "Still no thank you?" He spoke somewhat close to my ear. Even though he spoke softly, his voice still gave me goosebumps. How? I don't know.

"What are you talking about?" I replied in confusion.

"You said you would thank me once you took the test, remember?"

"You're free to go now, I guess," I told Jimin.

"No thank you for the help today?" He asked, smirking.

"Please. I just wanted to get it over with," I said, scoffing playfully. "I don't like creating scenes."

"Is that so? It seemed like you really benefited from our little study session."

"Hold your horses, Jimin. I haven't taken that test yet." I said, when a loud honk echoed through the doors.

"Well, bye, I guess," I say, looking back once more.

I did remember. How could I forget? "Thanks," I muttered once more while a smile slowly crept up to my lips.

"Ms. Y/N, Mr. Jimin. Class is starting now," we were interrupted by Mr. Lee's voice.

"I told you you'd do well, didn't I?" Jimin said, winking.

I chuckled softly in return.

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