Chapter 11

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A/N: Hi, guys! This is my first time "talking to you", but I just wanted to let you know about update schedules. I don't have a definite schedule and I'm sorry, but I won't update as often now because I'll be studying for my exams in May. I published the previous chapters during my spring break. Hopefully you guys understand, and happy reading!

Right as I hopped out of the passenger seat, my phone had a mini seizure in my pocket. I took it out to read the screen: You have a new message from: Jimin 🤡. Who has time to text so bright and early before the bell rings? Oh yeah...Park Jimin, that's who.

Jimin 🤡
Hey 🖐️


Jimin 🤡
I was wondering if you wanted to meet my friends today at lunch?

Just me?

Jimin 🤡
You can bring your friends, too.

Hmm, I'll think about it.
Btw, was the other day at the café a date?

Jimin 🤡
If you want it to be. 😉

Aaaaaand you killed it. 🤦‍♀️

Jimin 🤡
Why? I was just playing with you. 😞

Sure. Keep believing that. 😑

I then decided to tell Jennie and Jisoo about it.

Hey guys, guess what?


What is it?

Jimin asked me to hang out with his friends during lunch today.



Yep. He even said that I could bring you guys along.

*Insert screaming noises here*

I'm totally down!


We walked into the cafeteria to find a frivolous hand violently moving in the air. I could tell it belonged to Jimin as he beckoned us to come to the table. Along with him, I recognized another familiar face.

"Taehyung?" I called out.

"Oh, hey Y/N," he replied, looking up at me.

"You two know each other?" One guy with brown-ish hair asked us.

"She's my sister," Taehyung spat before stuffing his mouth with food.

"Ah, well nice to meet you. I'm Namjoon," the guy held his hand out for me to shake, and I did.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Y/N, and these are my friends: Jennie and Jisoo," I smiled.

"Hello," they waved.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Hoseok," another guy with red hair said.

"Well, have a seat. We wouldn't want you ladies to stand all period, would we?" Jimin scooched over and gestured me to sit next to him. I obliged, before Jennie took the spot next to me.

I just hugged him the other day, but why is my face red when we're sitting next to each other? Probably because my and his friends are actually here! My brain screamed.


"It's only been one lunch period and Taehyung already asked for my number. Score!" Jennie giggles.

"I think that Hoseok was pretty cute; what do you think, Y/N?" Jisoo asks.

"Uh, sorry...I wasn't paying attention," I replied.

"Oh, right. Because you were staring at Jimin the whole time," Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to bring up Jimin every time?" I slap her shoulder.

"To confirm your feelings for him, yes."

"We're just friends, guys. Nothing more."

"We'll see," I blushed in embarrassment.

A/N: Short chapter today. Sorry lolz.

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