Prologue (pt. 2)

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As I was walking to my next class with Namjoon hyung, this morning's incident with Y/N replayed in my mind.

How come she wasn't flustered? Usually my eye smile and smirk works on every girl that I talk to, but not in her case.

"Hey, Jimin. Jimin!" I snapped back into reality when I heard Namjoon hyung's loud voice ringing in my ear.

"W-What? Sorry, Hyung, I must have blanked out," I reply, stuttering.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks.

"Umm...heh," I muttered. "Where's Hoseok Hyung?"

"Park Jimin, are you stuttering?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"He's still in Gwangju. Now answer my question."

"I'm not. I'm just confused about something."


"So this morning there was this new girl who was lost, so I decided to help her out. But I used my charms and got no reaction out of her," I said.

"Really?" He replies. "That has never happened before."

"You think I don't know that, Hyung?"

"She's playing hard to get, Jimin. You're gonna have to work a little harder to win her over." Namjoon Hyung whispered closely in my ear. "Be careful though, or you might end up falling for her."

"Come on, Hyung! There's no way in hell that I would." I say with a whiny voice.

"Alright then, you asshat. Let's make a deal. If she ends up falling for you, I'll pay you 100,000 won, but if you end up falling for her, you have to pay me 100,000 won."

"Deal." I said, and we shook hands before leaving for our next class.

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